In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
The recent technical progress in the development of digital
aerial cameras laid the foundation for approaches to distinguish
tree species out of digital aerial image data. Neubert (2006) and
Tiede et al. (2009) for ex. describe first approaches for the
assessment of tree species composition by the use of digital
aerial photographs. The Bavarian Office for Surveying and
Geographic Information (Landesamt fur Vermessung und
Geoinformation (LVG)) conducts flight campaigns since 2008
on the basis of the latest digital camera systems. Thus, every
year about one third of Bavaria’s surface is covered by high
resolution aerial photographs.
Against this background, the Bavarian Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Forestry financed a project of the Bavarian
Institute of Forestry in cooperation with the enterprise
GeoCreativ in order to investigate the potential of the actual
digital aerial images for the semi-automatic assessment of
Spruce. The project areas Eltmann and Gerolzhofen share more
or less the same climatic conditions like the regions of western
Middle Franconia and Lower Franconia that were struck by
wide-spread losses of Spruce in 2005/2006. Even in this time,
the observed phenomenon have been supposed to be the
precursors of a development that would consider vast areas,
caused by climate change (Ammer et al. 2006).
1.2 Objectives
Because of climate change, within short time an overview of
Spruce stands that are in need of urgent conversion has to be
achieved. Therefore, reliable, actual information about the
dispersion of Spruce stands has to be created, using aerial
photographs furnished by the LVG. In this project, by the help
of modem software for image analysis and object-based
classification, vast areas were supposed to be semi-
automatically analyzed efficiently and in due time. At the end, a
GIS-layer locating “Spruce” and “other coniferous trees” was
planned to be available for the project regions.
The project regions comprised of two separate areas in the
„Steigerwald“ (Bavarian forest growth area 5.2 Steigerwald).
One area contained the communal forest of Eltmann (ca. 2.500
ha), the second area is located within the „Biirgerwald“
Gerolzhofen (ca. 300 ha). Within the project areas grow
intensively mixed deciduous and coniferous forests on vividly
undulated terrain of a great variety of expositions. The Bavarian
Office for Surveying and Geographic Information furnished 4-
channel aerial photographs (color depth 16 bit, tiff-files;
original data sets as well as ortho-rectified images). The images
have been taken by the matrix camera Vexcel Ultracam-X.
Ground sample distance (GSD) for the research area was 20 cm.
The spectral bands green, blue, red and near infra-red are
available in separated form. The flight campaign took place in
August 31 st , 2008. 3
3.1 Pre-processing of image data
The original image tiles show great differences within their
spectral bands, with the infra-red band possessing the least
differences between the images. The transfer of classification
criteria from one original image to another seemed thus to be
impossible. Furthermore, the individual images partially show a
distinct color drop especially at forest edges.
For the preparation of the supplied picture material, it was
therefore necessary to develop a method for adjusting the four
spectral channels between the individual images, to extend their
histograms and to calculate new channels. For this purpose
ERDAS Imagine 9.3 was used. The different algorithms have
been combined with the help of the "Spatial Modeler" to an
overall model. Thus, the enhancement of the individual images
in each case was feasible in one single step.
The following processes have been conducted:
Step 1: Compensation of chromatic heterogeneity between
images and within individual image tiles.
The color heterogeneity between the individual images could be
largely offset by adjusting the individual color channels.
Exposure differences within the image tiles, particularly at the
edges of forest areas however, could be corrected only to a
limited extent.
Step 2: Enhancement of spectral differences between individual
With the exception of forest edges with strong illumination
decline, a very significant increase in visual recognition of the
individual conifer species was achieved on the basis of their
different colors when displayed on the screen.
The advantage of this method of image processing is a
significant time reduction of the effort for the determination of
training trees.
3.2 Segmentation / Classification
To classify coniferous forests covering a great area as training
samples, Spruce trees and other coniferous trees were used. In
this operation a probability filter has been applied, that separates
coniferous and deciduous trees.
By the use of AOI's (Area of Interest) for Spruce and other
coniferous tree species, 8 to 14 training trees in the best possible
allocation within the individual image tile were assigned. With
increasing heterogeneity of the picture, a larger amount of
training trees per target class was required.
The basic settings were chosen in a way that as large as possible
crown areas were recorded for each segment. The collection of
several small-crown trees of the same species in a segment was
deliberately taken into account, in order to improve the
formation of the segment averages of the spectral bands as far
as possible. The resulting polygons were attributed by their
mean values and probabilities with which each segment of a
species has been classified. Using a probability filter, a pre
selection of segments for all aspired classes was then conducted.
3.3 Post-processing and visualization in a GIS
Fine adjustment, post-processing and visualization of the
classification results have been accomplished by ArcGIS 9.3 by
ESRI. For this reason, the generated shapefiles of the segments
were imported into ArcGIS. A pre-selection was achieved by
the use of mean values of the reflectance (exclusion of shadows,
etc.). In a next step, the generated probability limits were
adjusted to enlarge the target class, while limiting
misclassifications to a modest range. In this process, the
necessary border values of the probabilities determined by
ERDAS Imagine Objective varied considerably.
For typical training trees, a probability of 60% already proved
to be sufficient for a reliable classification. For training trees
with atypical radiation spectrum (e.g. along forest edges,
damaged trees) a probability threshold of 90% has to be chosen