Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Voi. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
tradition of extensive cattle farming, but many cattle farmers 
have been changing their production and management 
strategies, restoring degraded pastures and adopting 
confinement systems. These changes make new areas available 
for the cultivation of sugarcane (Torres et al., 2009). Nassar et 
al. (2008) have also demonstrated that in the state of Sào Paulo, 
new areas of sugarcane cultivation mostly occupy areas that 
were previously occupied by pastures. 
The north central part of the state has a stronger tradition of 
sugarcane cultivation and ARs of small territorial extent. For 
this reason, concentrations of sugarcane are high, especially in 
the ARs of Ribeirào Preto (RP) and Franca (FR) (Figure 5b). 
This explains the low expansion observed in these ARs. For 
example, RP provided only 2.7% of the total area of expansion 
for the state during the analyzed period. 
The AR of Sorocaba has the lowest concentration of sugarcane 
cultivation because, in addition to being the AR with the largest 
territorial extent, it has the smallest cultivated sugarcane area. 
The methodology used by the Canasat project allowed to 
monitoring the cultivated sugarcane area in south central Brazil, 
making it possible to determine, by means of remote sensing 
satellite images, newly cultivated areas, areas under renovation 
and areas available for harvest during each season. The south 
center region represents almost one third of the Brazilian 
territory and has by far the greatest potential for sugarcane 
cultivation expansion and the use of remote sensing techniques 
to monitor this expansion and the land use cover change is very 
relevant for a sustainable ethanol production as an alternative to 
reduce green house gas emissions. 
A total of 7.91 million hectares are currently under sugarcane 
cultivation in the South-Central region, of which 7.49 million 
hectares are available for harvest during the 2009/10 season. 
Between the 2005/06 and 2009/10 seasons, the area of 
sugarcane cultivation increased in all states monitored by the 
project. The state of Mato Grosso do Sul showed an increase in 
annual growth rate in every season analyzed and the highest rate 
in the most recent season. However, the state of Goias had the 
highest total growth rate. 
The state of Sao Paulo showed the largest area of expansion in 
across the seasons analyzed, with the western part of the state 
being responsible for most of this expansion. The north central 
part of the state, with a longer tradition of sugarcane cultivation, 
had the highest concentrations of this crop and the smallest 
areas of expansion. 
Data generated by the Canasat project are available on its 
website and are relevant to several sectors that require 
specialized information about the area of sugarcane cultivation 
according to the various classes. 
Abdell-Rahman, E. M.; Ahmed, F. B., 2008. The application of 
remote sensing techniques to sugarcane (Saccharum spp. 
hybrid) production: a review of the literature. International 
Journal of Remote Sensing. 29 (13), pp. 3753-3767. 
Alfonsi, R. R.; Pedro Júnior, M. J.; Brunini,0.; Barbieri, V. 
CondifQes climáticas para a cana-de-a9Úcar. In: Paranhos, S. B. 
(coord.), 1987. Cana-de-agúcar: cultivo e utilizando. Campinas: 
Fundaqao Cargill, pp. 42-55. 
Cámara, G.; Souza, R. C. M.; Freitas, U. M.; Garrido, J.; Ii, F. 
M., 1996. SPRING: Integrating remote sensing and GIS by 
object oriented data modeling. Computers and Graphics, 15 (6), 
pp. 13-22. 
CONAB - Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento, 2009. 
Safras - Grao, http://www.conab.gov.br/conabweb/index. 
php?PAG=131 (accessed on Nov. 5 th 2009). 
Epiphánio, J. C. N.; Soares, J. V.; Ferreira, H. S.; Cámara, G. 
CBERS: the Chinese-Brazilian Earth Resources Satellite 
programme. In: The Full Picture. GEO - Group on Earth 
Observations, 2007.Geneva, Switzerland: Tudor Rose, v. 1, pp, 
116-117. http://www.earthobservations.org/documents/ 
the_fiilljpicture.pdf (accessed on 04 Nov. 2009). 
NASA. Orthorectified Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper 
(ETM+) Compressed Mosaics. Washington, DC, 2004. 
Available at: https://zulu.ssc.nasa.gov/mrsid/. Access on: mar. 
13 rd 2007. 
Nass, L. L.; Pereira, P. A. A.; Ellis, D., 2007. Biofuels in Brazil: 
an overview. Crop Science, 47, pp. 2228-2237. 
Nassar, A. M.; Rudorff, B. F. T.; Antoniazzi, L. B.; Aguiar, D. 
A.; Bacchi, M. R. P.; Adami, M. Prospects of the sugarcane 
expansion in Brazil: impacts on direct and indirect land use 
changes. In: Zuurbier, P. and van de Vooren, J., 2008. 
Sugarcane ethanol: Contributions to climate change mitigation 
and the environment. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen 
Academic Publishers, pp. 63-93. 
Rudorff, B. F. T.; Adami, M.; Aguiar, D. A.; Gusso, A.; Silva, 
W. F.; Freitas, R. M., 2009. Temporal series of EVI/MODIS to 
identify land converted to sugarcane. In: 2009 IEEE 
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 
Cape Town, South Africa, pp. ?. 
Rudorff, B. F. T.; Berka, L. M. S.; Moreira, M. A.; Duarte, V.; 
Xavier, A. C.; Rosa, V. G. C.; Shimabukuro, Y. E., 2005. 
Imagens de satélite no mapeamento e estimativa de área de 
cana-de-aqúcar em Sao Paulo: ano-safra 2003/04. Agricultura 
em Sao Paulo. 52 (1), pp. 21-39. 
Smeets, E.; Junginger, M.; Faaij, A.; Walter, A.; Dolzan, P.; 
Turkenburg, W., 2008. The sustainability of Brazilian ethanol - 
an assessment of the possibilities of certified production. 
Biomass and Bioenergy, 32, pp. 781-813. 
Torres, A. J.; Pino, F. A.; Francisco, V. F. S.; Angelo, J. A.; 
Maciel, E. L. F.; Drugowich, M. I.; Interliche, P. H.; Piedade, J. 
A.; Sousa, A. C.; Lorena Neto, B.; Caser, D. V., 2009. Projeto 
LUPA 2007/08: censo agropecuário do Estado de Sao Paulo. 
Sao Paulo; IEA, CATI, SAA, 38lp. 
Unica - Sugarcane Industry Association, 2009. Quotes & Stats. 
http://english.unica.com.br/dadosCotacao/estatistica (accessed 
on: Nov. 5 th 2009). 
We thank team of Laboratory of remote sensing in Agriculture 
and Forest (LAF) for mapping work and contributions.

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