In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
segment by a rectangle. They used estimated rectangular shapes
to enhance building representation in DEM. Herein, we provide
a fast and fully automatic approach to enhance DEM data based
on building shape approximation. For this purpose, first we ex
tract above ground objects in DEM. Since our DEM data are in
very low resolution (in 5 m. spatial resolution), it is not conve
nient to extract building shapes. Therefore different from Vinson
et al., we detect building shapes from panchromatic image of re
gion. To detect building shapes, we benefit from automatic rect
angular shape approximation approach (Box-Fitting) (Sirmacek
and Unsalan, 2008). Finally, using detected building shapes we
refine the DEM data. For a better representation, we also recon
struct building shapes on interpolated and smoothed Digital Ter
rain Model (DTM) of the corresponding region. The resulting en
hanced three-dimensional data will not only provide better visual
result, but also will provide a basis for detailed three-dimensional
modeling and change detection analysis.
In a previous study, d’Angelo et al. proposed a fully automated
method to generate DEM (d’Angelo et al., 2009). For this pur
pose, they applied hierarchical intensity based matching, and then
dense epipolar matching to stereo images with 2.5 m. ground
sampling distance (GSD) taken from the Cartosat-1 satellite. Look
ing angle differences of two satellite images are about 31°, which
is too much higher than normally wanted to reconstruct build
ings. Normally, 10° angle difference between stereo image pairs
is wanted to reconstruct buildings. Unfortunately, it is very diffi
cult to obtain stereo image couples with this small looking angle
from satellite images. In another study, Arefi and Hahn (Arefi
and Hahn, 2005) proposed a DTM generation method from LI-
DAR based on geodesic dilation. Then, Arefi et al. (Arefi et al.,
2009) developed the algorithm for DTM generation from DEM.
Herein, we use DEM and DTM data which are generated using
methods of d’Angelo et al. and Arefi et al. which are reported
in (d’Angelo et al., 2009) and (Arefi et al., 2009) respectively.
The difference between DEM and DTM is known as normal
ized Digital Elevation Model (nDEM). In the normalized DEM
ground height is referenced to zero, therefore it provides informa
tion about approximate building heights independent from the ter
rain. To estimate urban areas, we first generate nDEM (N(x, y))
by taking difference of DEM (E(x, y)) and DTM (T(x, y)) im
age matrices which belong to the same region. Then, we ap
ply Otsu’s automatic thresholding method to detect urban area
in N(x,y) (Otsu, 1979). After applying thresholding, we as
sume output M(x,y) binary image as urban area mask which
holds K number of binary subregions. In order to eliminate ef
fect of trees, we analyze each Mk(x, y) k E [1,2,..., K] subre
gion in M(x, y) urban area mask. If max(A r (x, y) x Mk{x, y))
is smaller than 2 meters, we eliminate Mk(x, y) subregion since
it is not high enough to represent a building. In Fig. 1(a), we
represent Jeddai test image from our data set, and in Fig. 1(b)
we show detected urban area boundaries.
After finding the urban area from the DEM, we label buildings in
order to model each of them with a rectangular shape. Unfortu
nately, due to very low resolution of this DEM and high complex
ity of the region, it is not possible to always distinguish adjacent
buildings from DEM data. Therefore we pick panchromatic im
age of region (I(x, y)) for further analysis. First, we apply a pre-
process to I(x, y) image using bilateral filter which performs a
non-linear smoothing with preserving edge information (Tomasi
and Manduci, 1998). In this way, we eliminate noise and redun
dant details in image. Sirmacek and Unsalan provides an exten
sive explanation about usage of bilateral filter in panchromatic
satellite images (Sirmacek and Unsalan, 2009). To find build
ings, we benefit from Canny edges (Canny, 1986). We extract
Canny edges of I(x, y) test image, then we use M(x, y) urban
area mask to obtain only building edges. For our Jeddai sam
ple test image, detected building edges can be seen in Fig. 1(c).
Then, we use distance transform to find a location inside of each
closed building edge shape. For binary images (like our building
edges in Fig. 1(c)), distance transform calculates the distance be
tween each pixel that is set to zero and the nearest nonzero pixel.
In our study, we use Euclidean Distance as distance metric. Af
ter applying distance transform to our building edges, centers of
building shapes get highest values. Consequently, we pick local
maximum values in distance transform, and assume their loca
tions (Xb,yb) as possible building centers. In Fig. 1(d) we rep
resent detected building locations for our Jeddai test image. As
can be seen in this figure, most of the buildings are labeled cor
rectly. Next, we describe the proposed automatic building shape
approximation method.
(c) (d)
Figure 1: (a) Jeddai test image, (b) Detected urban area bound
aries. (c) Canny edges detected in urban area, (d) Possible build
ing centers (x b ,y b ).
In complex urban areas which contain adjacent buildings, very
low resolution DEM data can not be used for detecting shapes of
buildings. Therefore, we use Canny edges which are extracted
from panchromatic image to estimate building shapes. In a pre
vious study Sirmacek and Unsalan (Sirmacek and Unsalan, 2008)
proposed an automatic shape approximation approach (called Box-
Fitting) after a seed-point is detected on the building rooftop. In
this study, we benefit from this Box-Fitting approach to detect ap
proximate building shapes. We assume (Xb, yb) possible building
centers as seed-points to run Box-Fitting algorithm.
To estimate building shapes for each (Xb, yb) location, we locate
a [w x to] size window on this building center. Considering res
olution and approximate building sizes in our test images, we as
sume w as equal to 60 pixel. Box-Fitting method discards edges