Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W„ Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010,1 APRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Ghanbarian, M. A., 2007. Tectonic and Geoelectrical studies of 
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Hen Hu, Y and Neng Hwang, J., 2002. Hand book of neural 
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Hu, X., and Weng, Q., 2009. Estimating impervious surfaces 
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Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, pp. 2089-2102. 
Ji, C. Y. (2000). Land-use classification of remotely sensed data 
using Kohonen selforganizing feature map neural networks. 
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 66, pp. 
Kanellopoulos, I., and Wilkinson, G.G. 1997. Strategies and 
best practice for neural network image classification. Int. J. 
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Kavzoglu, T., and Mather, P. M. 2003. The uses of 
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pp. 4907-4938. 
Kent, P.E., 1979. The emergent Hormuz salt diapirs of southern 
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Kruse, F.A., 1988. Use of airborne imaging spectrometer data 
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the Northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada, and California. 
Remote Sens. Environ. 24, pp. 31-51. 
Liu, J., Goering, C.E., Tian, L., 2001. A neural network for 
setting target com yields. Trans. ASAE 44 (3), pp. 705-713. 
Mettemicht, G.I., Zink, J.A., 2003. Remote sensing of soil 
salinity: potential and constraints. Remote sensing of 
Environment, 85, pp. 1-20. 
Monger, M., 2002. Soil classification in arid lands with 
Thematic Mapper data. Terra, 20(2), pp. 89-100. 
Mougenot, B., Pouget, M., Epema, G.F., 1993. Remote sensing 
of salt-affected soils. Remote Sensing reviews, 1, pp. 241-259. 
Jing, Q. C. L and Panahi, A., 2006. Principal component 
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image enhancement. International Journal of Remote 
Sensing,21 {\в), pp. 3387 - 3401. 
Richards, J.A., 1984. Thematic mapping from multitemporal 
image data using principal components transformation. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 16, pp. 35-46. 
Roosta, H., Farhudi, R., Afifi M., 2007. Comparison between 
Sub-pixel Classifications of MODIS images: Linear Mixture 
Model and Neural Network Model, WSEAS Transactions on 
Environment and Development, 
Rumelhart, D.E, and MacClelland, J.L., 1986. Parallel 
Distributed Processing. Explorations in the Microstructureof 
Cognition, vol. I, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 
Sabins, F.F., 1997. Remote Sensing, Principles and 
Interpretation, third ed, Freeman, New York, pp. 494. 
Stocklin, J., 1974. Possible ancient continental margin in Iran, 
In: Burk, C.A., Drake, C.L. (Eds.), The Geology of Continental 
Margins. Springer, Berlin, pp. 873-887. 
Tavakícoli, H., 2008. Comparison of TM and ASTER datasets 
for enhancement of lithological units of salt domes, a case study 
from Firouzabad area; MSc thesis, Dept. Of Earth Sciences, 
Shiraz University, Iran, pp.152. 
Verbeke, L.P.C., Vancoillie, F.M.B., De Wulf, R.R., 2004. 
Reusing back-propagation artificial neural networks for land 
cover classification in tropical savannahs. Int. J. Remote Sens, 
25, pp. 2747-2771. 
Yuan, H., Van Der Wiele, C. F., Khorram, S., 2009. An 
Automated Artificial Neural Network System for Land 
Use/Land Cover Classification from Landsat TM Imagery. 
Remote Sens. 1, pp. 243-265. 
Zadneek, T., 2008. Environmental effects of Konarsiah Salt 
dome on pollution of water resource of Firouzabad area; MSc 
thesis, Dept. Of Earth Sciences, Shiraz University, Iran, 
Zhai, Y., Thomasson, J.A., Boggess III, J.E., Sui, R., 2006. Soil 
texture classification with artificial neural networks operating 
on remote sensing data. Computers and Electronics in 
Agriculture 54 (2), pp. 53-68. 
Ziaii, M., a,. Pouyan, A.A., Ziaei, M., 2009. Neuro-fuzzy 
modelling in mining geochemistry: Identification of 
geochemical anomalies. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 
100, pp. 25-36. 
Zinck, J. A., 2001. Monitoring salinity from remote sensing 
data. In R. Goossens, & В. M. De Vliegher (Eds.), Proceedings 
of the 1 st Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on 
Remote Sensing for Developing Countries (Belgium: Ghent 
University), pp. 359-368.

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