Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Figure 3. The water stress tolerable „Bajai” species 
The “Szentendrei csaszar” species grown on the same soil type, 
just some meters away from the presented “Bajai”, has just 2m 
height canopy and its yield is the one quarter of the “Bajai” one 
(Figure 4). 
Figure 4. The water stress sensitive “Szentendrei Csâszâr” 
The Water Band Index (WBI) is a reflectance measurement that 
is sensitive to changes in canopy water status. As the water 
content of vegetation canopies increase, the strength of the 
absorption around 970 nm increases relative to that of 900 nm. 
WBI is defined by the following: WBI=8 9 oo/5 97 o (Champagne et 
al. 2001). According to our examinations as well, channel with 
900nm is found to be a sensitive water stress indicator, although 
the minimum value of the first derivative of the reflectance 
curve was at 930-940 nm wavelength interval. The 970 nm 
channel provided less usable values as a denominator for WBI 
(Figure 5). 
Figure 5. Spectral interval regarding water stress in the case of 4 
pear species. 
Based on the abovementioned results, the reflectances of 886 
and 937 nm can result more accurate WBI (WBI= 5 886 / 8 937 ) j n 
the case of pear trees. The spectral data also confirmed that the 
“Bajai” pear species can tolerate more the dry conditions of 
Ujfeherto than the “Szentendrei csaszar” or the “Verteskozmai” 
pear species. 
Based on the results, the airborne hyperspectral remote sensing 
is a very effective method for surveying the vegetation. The 
environmental a climatic stress has an effect on vegetation, as 
well as other living creature. Species, grown in the concerned 
landscape had enhanced tolerance for harmful effects and water 
stress, thus it is especially important to prevent these genetic 
properties for further generations. The spectral library of the 
pear genetic collection in Ujfeherto and the integrated GIS 
research database provide new opportunity to researchers and 
breeders in vegetation analysis. Due to this complex database 
and spectral library the effectiveness of understanding spectral 
anomalies and changing detection can be significantly 
Burai, P., Tamâs, J. 2004. Hyper- and multispectral remote 
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management. III. Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop. Dubrovnik. 
Croatia, pp.54-57. 
Burai, P., Kovâcs, E., Lénârt, Cs., Nagy, A., Nagy, I. 2009. 
Quantification of vegetation stress based on hyperspectral 
image processing. Cereal Research Communications. 
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Champagne, C. A., Pattey, E., Bannari, A., Stratchan, I.B. 2001. 
Mapping Crop Water Status: Issues of Scale in the Detection of 
Crop Water Stress Using Hyperspectral Indices. In: Proceedings 
of the 8 th International Symposium on Physical Measurements 
and Signatures in Remote Sensing. Aussois. France, pp.79-84. 
Holzwarth, S., Müller, R., Simon, C., 2005. Determination and 
monitoring of boresight misalignment angles during the hymap 
campaigns HYEUROPE 2003 and HYEUROPE 2004. In: 
Zagajewski. B. - Sobczak. M. - Wrzesieh. M. (eds.): 
Proceedings of 4th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging 
Spectroscopy. New quality in environmental studies.. EARSeL 
and Warsaw University. Warsaw 119-128 
Nagy, A., Burai, P., Tamas, J. 2006. Evaluation of heavy metal 
distribution by using hyperspectral data analysis and field 
portable XRF technology. [In: Maghiar, T.T., Nagy, J., Bara, 
V., Kâtai, J., Csép, N.I., Jâvor, A., Tamâs, J. Natural Resources 
and sustainable development]. University of Oradea Publishing 
House. Oradea. 795-801. 
Milics, G., Virâg, I., Farouk, M., Burai, P., Lénârt, Cs. 2010. 
Airborne hyperspectral imaging for data collection for resilient 
agro-ecosystems. Novenyterm.59.Suppl. 6. pp. 593-597. 
Tamâs, J., Kardevân, P., Kovâcs, E., Kovâcs, E., Takâcs, P. 
2005. Evaluation of environmental risks of nonpoint source 
heavy metal contamination using DAIS sensor. In: Zagajewski, 
B., Sobczak, M., Wrzesieh, M. (eds.): Proceedings of 4th 
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