Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
rivers present a hydrographical network. A greater part of 
district area consists of field crops. 
Three oil and three gas pools in the terrigenous-carbonate 
sediments of lower - middle carbon are present in the research 
territory. Three oil and three pools in the lower - middle carbon 
also are located in the research area. The pools are small areas 
of no more than 5 sq. km. They are inherent to local dome 
sedimentary cover. Twenty local structures are selected based 
on seismic works data. Most structures are not studied by 
drilling. The territory and adjoining area are studied by seismic 
exploration and prospecting wells. 
The initial information for prognosis research are maps of 
lineaments and circular structures; they were created on the 
results of the structural interpretation of the multispectral 
images of satellite Landsat and the 3-D digital model of relief 
from the Shuttle satellite data. Data of 15 wells were selected. 
They had results of testing for oil or gas. 
For the creating of maps of the forecast oil-and-gas content 
the connection of objects of the forecast with numerical 
meanings of the following attributes were analyzed: 
1) Density and total length lineaments for each of 8 systems 
2) Density of units of crossing lineaments of all systems. 
3) Marks of high of a modem relief established on digital 
model of a relief. 
4) Character of moving of territory on the neotectonic of 
stage of evolution. Were estimated a direction (relative rise 
or lowering) and amplitude of moving (in numbers). 
As a result of calculation is determined, that the all 
mentioned features maybe use for quest of oil and gas as they 
are interrelated with the prognosis objects. This connection has 
the complicated character. This connection has the complicated 
character; the objects of prognosis avoid both maximum and 
minimum values. They are conformed to the intermediate 
values of features. These compares are very well with data of 
previous researchers (Nevskiy, 1955, Pospelov, 1963 and 
The pools are located outside the limits of anticline dome 
practically for all potential areas. They are disposed on anticline 
limbs or between local domes. Results of drilling are 
confirming these inferences on separate structures within the 
limits of the studied area and in other regions. 
For all areas of exploration the maps of potential oil-and-gas 
content are constructed in the scales of 1:50000 and 1:25000. 
On the maps the many relatively small areas with the highest 
potential for pool discovery are selected. 
The smaller area has the higher potential value. Areas with 
high potential inside areas with more low perspective 
practically always are disposed. Most potential areas have 
complex form and are characterized by elongated orientation. 
As a rule, the potential areas which were selected on the maps 
of scale 1:25000 and 1:50000 are coincided from 60 to 80 
percent. In other words, results of regional explorations the 
results of the detailed research are confirmed. Exploration 
reliability on coinciding data is validated 
The potential areas are located in the form of strips on the 
created maps and are composed in the three bands of N-W - 
sub-latitude; are crossing all studied area. The selected strips 
have sub-parallel direction for the border of the Dneprovo- 
Donetsk depression. For pools of the Dnepr-Donetsk Region 
this type of strips distribution is inherent. 
Results of exploration: area having no potential is 66%; area 
with low potential is 28 %; area with middle potential is 5% 
and area with high potential is 1% of all studied territory. There 
are 131 local potential areas with sizes from 0.5-1.0 to 2-4 sq. 
km. The 25 potential areas are recommended as primary objects 
for detailed exploration; their territory is 75 sq. km. (Fig. 1). 
Figure 1. Map of potential of oil-and-gas content of the S-E of path 
of Dneprovo-Donetsk depression, the scale 1:50000. 
Areas are maximum 
i 1 
Non potential area 
Areas are high 
Productive wells 
Areas are middle 
Well are brine 
water and oil film 
Areas are low 
Well are brine 
At first, authenticity of results of the conducted prognosis 
research was confirmed by indirect data. Three known pools with 
maximum values of potential were characterized. They are 
located outside the studied territory but in proximity of its border. 
Information for these pools was not used in the research process. 
After completion of prognosis researches on the remotely sensing 
data, on the flanks of two industrial of pools of territory, the works 
for the search of new accumulation of hydrocarbons were 
conducted by the method of vertical seismic prospective (VSP). 
VSP data confirmed the results of our prognosis data. 
One of prospective areas, selected on the prognosis map was 
tested using a prospecting borehole. The potential production of 
oil is obtained. In addition, on the seismic exploration data was 
selected the point for prospecting boreholes within the limits of the 
local structure. Our data identified this local structure as non 
potential. An exploration well was drilled on this local structure. 
The drilling data was confirmed that this local structure has no 
In the Sakhalin Province the researches for oil-and-gas content 
were conducted within the limits of the North- Sakhalin area. 
Greater part of exploration area is occupied by grassy-shrub 
vegetation with tailings of larch forests and the medley of birch 
trees. A hydrographical network is weak; permanent rivers and 
brooks are absent. The area is described as wavy relief. The west 
part is transformed to off-shore lowland. 
Within the limits of the exploration area, on the test boreholes 
data were uncovered the multimass of the sandstones, aleurolites, 
argillites and clays. It is data from the Pliocene Age to the Upper 
Cretaceous Period. Location of the territory of the mega-anticline 
of sub-meridional direction is related by the numerous broken 
breakings. Forming of structures of area with phase of 
tektogenezis of Sakhalin is related (Late Pleistocene). The large 
breaks of the sub-meridional direction influenced on the 
organization of the sedimentary framework. The multihorizon oil- 
and gas field is located within the limits of the work area.

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