Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
of laboratory, in-situ, air and space-borne measurements. This 
was primarily due to difficulties associated with the acquisition 
of accurate and spatially detailed descriptions of 1) plant 
architectural properties, like foliage orientation and density, 
wood distribution and branching patterns, etc., 2) directional 
scattering characteristics of plant and background constituents 
suitable for inclusion into canopy RT models, and 3) 
directionally resolved solar radiation fields, that are all needed 
to guarantee a faithful reproduction of the actual 3D target (at 
the time of observation) within the RT models. The evaluation 
of models through comparison with observation requires also 
access to information regarding the angular and spectral 
resolution of the measuring devices, as well as, the uncertainties 
associated with eventual up-scaling and correction techniques 
(e.g., atmosphere, adjacency effect, point spread function). 
To avoid these issues RAMI evaluates models under perfectly 
controlled experimental conditions, i.e., all structural, spectral, 
illumination and observation related characteristics are known 
without ambiguity. Deviations between RT simulations can thus 
only be due to - explicit or implicit - assumptions and shortcuts 
entering model-specific implementations of the radiative 
transfer equation. This mathematical foundation of physically- 
based canopy RT models allows furthermore to verify model 
predictions of arbitrary sub-components of the total (absorbed, 
transmitted and reflected) radiation, i.e., quantities that could 
not be measured in reality, and to check that the model 
simulations remain consistent with physical reasoning even if 
the environmental conditions deviate from those encountered in 
nature. The latter two aspects are crucial since they allow - in a 
few select cases - to assess RT model performance in absolute 
terms, i.e., against analytical solutions of directionally-varying 
or hemispherically-integrated radiative quantities and to 
increase the confidence in model simulations relating to new 
species/biomes and phenological conditions, respectively. 
As a general rule, RT model comparison activities have to deal 
with the fact that the true solution is not known. RAMI deals 
with this issue trough a three-pronged evaluation approach 
based on: 
1. model consistency tests: that verify the internal 
consistency of RT models, for example, with respect 
to energy conservation, or, when radiative quantities 
are modelled that vary in a pre-determined manner 
across spectral bands, with background brightness, or, 
with changing illumination conditions, 
2. absolute performance tests: that compare the 
magnitude of model simulated radiative quantities 
against those predicted by analytical solutions (which 
can be derived for some types of canopy targets 
having certain well defined characteristics), 
3. relative performance tests: that compare simulations 
of different models in the light of knowledge obtained 
from 1) the above model consistency and absolute 
performance tests, and 2) an analysis of the shortcuts 
and assumptions contained in their respective 
implementations/formulations of the RT equation. 
In order to obtain viable assessments of the trends, patterns and 
perhaps also biases in the performance of canopy RT models it 
is imperative to compare model simulations over an as large as 
possible set of structural, spectral and illumination related 
conditions. Such an approach is also conform with the paradigm 
stating that computer simulation models can never be 
completely validated and that efforts should focus instead on 
the invalidation of such tools (Oreskes, 1994). In other words, a 
model may yield the correct solution but for the wrong reasons, 
and therefore nothing can be said with absolute certainty about 
the reliability/accuracy of its predictions when applied to cases 
that were not actually tested beforehand. 
2.2 Outcome 
As an open-access and community-driven activity RAMI 
operates in successive phases each one aiming at re-assessing 
the capability, performance and agreement of the latest 
generation of RT models (http://rami-benchmark.ec.europa.eu/). 
RAMI-1 involved a small yet somewhat abstract set of canopy 
scenarios specifically designed to suit both 1-D and 3-D canopy 
RT models. The results of RAMI-1 underlined the need for 
model verification since many of the submitted simulations 
differed quite substantially between the 8 participating models 
(Pinty et al., 2001). In some cases, the cause of these 
discrepancies may have been due to operator errors or software 
bugs (some of which were identified during the data analysis 
stage). RAMI-2, therefore proposed a rerun of all earlier 
experiments together with two new test cases addressing issues 
of topography and spatial resolution. This time 13 canopy RT 
models participated and their agreement was much better 
especially for the homogeneous canopies (Pinty et al., 2004a). 
Expanding the set of experiments yet again, RAMI-3 concluded 
with an unprecedented level of agreement amid its 18 
participating RT models and this for both the homogeneous and 
heterogeneous vegetation canopies (Widlowski et al., 2007). 
candidate canopv RT model 
credible’ canopy RT mode! 
Figure 1. The selection process of‘credible’ canopy RT models. 
Using the process outlined in Figure 1 it was possible to 
identify six 3-D Monte Carlo models from among the RAMI-3 
participants that differed by ~1% over several thousands of BRF 
and flux simulations. A ‘surrogate truth’ reference data set was 
then generated on the basis of the simulations of these ‘credible’ 
canopy RT models (Widlowski et al, 2008). This, in turn, lead 
to the development of the RAMI Online Model Checker 
(ROMC), a web-based benchmarking facility providing quasi- 
real time statistics of the differences existing between the 
simulations of a user's canopy RT model and the RAMI-3 
"surrogate truth" data set (http://romc.jrc.-ec.europa.eu/).

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