Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Sz6kely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010,1 APRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
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Specific to the area are locations at which sand has been has 
been excavated. Sand was first removed from the location, 
where farming had earlier taken place, and subsequently the 
remaining pit was filled with sludge from the nearby sugar 
refinery in Zidlochovice, with the land then forested via 
volunteer seeding. When the area of arable land was increased 
in the 1970s, this land came under cultivation and was not 
reclaimed. Although it is used for agricultural purposes today, 
under adverse moisture conditions cultivation is not possible. 
Any other use is therefore practically impossible. The entire 
process has taken place without clear ownership relations. The 
area at which sand was excavated is not large - it consumes 
10 ha - but its history is most interesting. (Figure 5.) 
Figure 4. Two gas pipelines 
Figure 5. Sand excavation 
Human intrusions on the landscape during the past have 
resulted in new layers of soil and changes in soil conditions at 
particular locations, thereby modifying the soil environment for 
plants. This is one reason why vegetation at this location differs 
from its surroundings. Aerial photography using the NIR and 
RED bands is thus particularly well-suited to observing these 
differences because of the varied reflectivity of green materials 
in these bands. This method allows the use of remote sensing in 
archaeology. Archaeological sites may be identified in this way, 
along with pipelines, water wells and the traces of sand 
excavation. This type of management is limited of past activities 
and must be taken into account for the future. 
Ferwerda, J. G., Skidmore, A. K. & Mutanga, O., 2005. Nitrogen 
detection with hyperspactral normalized ratio indices across 
multiple plant species. International Journal of Remote 
Sensing, 26 (18), p. 40834095. 
Gojda, M., 2000 Archeologie krajiny. Academia, Praha, 240 p. 
Haboudane, D., Miller, J. R., Patey, E., Zarco-Tejada, P. J. & 
Strachan, I. B., 2004. Hypespaktral vegetation indices and novel 
algorihms for predicting green LAI of crop canopies: Modeling 
and validation in the context of precison agriculture. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 90, p. 337 - 352. 
Reyniers, M., Vrindts, E. & DE Baerdemaeker, J., 2006. 
Comparison of an aerial-based system and an on the ground 
continuous measuring device to predict yield of winter wheat. 
European Journal of Agronomy, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 87-94. 
Zhang, P., Anderson, B., Tan, B., Huang, D. & Myneni, R., 
2005. Potential monitoring of crop production using a satellite- 
based Climate-Variability Impact Index. Agricultural and 
Forest Meteorology, vol. 132, no. 34, p. 344-358.

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