In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Voi. XXXVIII, Part 7B
IS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
ra by Size Class
(m m )
ì by Size Class
¡jectra for gravels of
pes viewed at 30° from
the radiant interactions
Tadiosity describes the
e elements, and in the
;ed and reflected energy.
:o any dimension, as a
ì appropriate for high-
. Input digital elevation
sily measured with laser
ty for a number of facets
i,j = \,2...n (4)
element i, /?, is thermal
t, p is reflectivity of the
ce element j to surface
ce elements. The second
scattering components—
mong surface elements,
s determining the form-
m factor is given by
where F„ is the form factor from surface element j to surface
ji j
element i, 9 is the projection angle between the normal of a
surface element and the line, linking the pair of elements
together, A,- is the area of element i, and d is the distance
between two elements (Figure 4).
The model simulates temperature and radiance variations due to
roughness around some mean temperature over the course of a
day. It is illumination and view angle-dependent, and while not
explicitly spectral, it is wavelength-dependent and can be run
for a series of spectra to simulate spectral changes. In this
model, the mean temperature over time is determined by a
simple heat diffusion model driven by environmental data.
Mixed materials result in mixed spectra, and this can be
simulated by assigning different properties to facets but
assuming there is no difference of temperature..
Figure 5 shows a measured digital elevation model (DEM) of a
rock surface in part a., shown graphically in part c. The DEM
covers an area of 0.5 m by 0.85 m at sample spacing of 1 cm.
Part b shows the change of simulated emissivity averaged over
the area throughout the day. The roughness effect is largest
when the sun is at moderate elevations. The DEM can then be
multiplied by constants to rescale the roughness of the data.
Part c shows the resulting calculation of broad-band emissivity
over a range of RMS values.
The concept radiatively interacting surface elements can be
extended to shapes and larger surfaces such as cracks, holes,
and comers of surfaces. In these cases, terminology such as
“cavity effects” and ’’adjacency effects” are used. In fact,
imaging spectrometer instruments show that even small cracks
and holes become aspectral regardless of the spectra of the
materials large when view factors exist.
Figure 6 shows observations and a simulation of the effects of
two depressions (cavities) about 2 cm deep in a norite rock
(plagioclase and hypersthene ± olivine). The norite has
overlapping reststrahlen bands from 8.5 to 10.0 pm. Parts a and
b show a photograph and a thermal IR spectral image of the
rock. The thermal image was made with a Telops Inc, Hyper-
Cam imaging FTIR spectrometer (Telops, 2010). Part c shows a
micro-DEM of the rock smoothed to a 2 mm grid. Part d shows
spectra taken from the image inside and outside the depressions.
Finally, part e shows the simulated emissivity of the rock. In the
depressions, the spectrum is shallower and higher than on the
surface, becoming significantly more like a blackbody than the
outer surface.
Figure 5. Simulated change of broad-band emissivity for a
measured surface; the cavities in the rock become more like
a blackbody than the outer surface; see text more
explanation of the individual parts.
Figure 4. Schematic plot of the terms used in the form
factor equation (Eq. 5).