International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August-01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
transformation method for the purpose of datum
transformation done between ED-50 and ITRFxx.
• Tectonic plate moves in Turkey, which is located on
seismic belts, is monitored and online data with mm
accuracy is provided to academic works done in the
purpose of contributing early warning systems.
• Works have been started by the General Directorate of
Meteorology in order to model atmosphere (ionosphere
and troposphere) and make meteorological predictions as
well as determine water vapor quantity which can be
transformed into precipitation.
2.2 Geo-Metadata Portal Project
Geo-Metadata Portal (HBB) and Large Scale Map and Map
Information Production Regulation imposed the obligation of
recording intended, ongoing or completed map and map
information and getting project record number in order to
provide appropriate use of country resources and prevention of
repetitive production and monitoring of map and map
information to the ministries, state institutions & organizations
and municipalities. With respect to articles 103 rd , 104 th and
105 th of the regulation, a web-based metadata portal was
designed by GDLRC taking ISO 19115 standards into
consideration. It was announced to relevant state institutions &
organizations on 07/07/2008 and presented to online service at
It was put into service to let all organizations enter their
metadata on internet which produce map and map information.
Entering and querying metadata, querying 1/5000 scale standard
topographic map sheet, querying up-to-date point numbers and
approximate coordinates of ground control points and analyzing
ground control point location determination studies of the
project whose software was already completed are able to be
done on web.
2.3 Orthophoto - Base Map Production and Web Services
The presentation of Digital Cadastre Studies and big scale
engineering works with 1/5000 scale orthophoto base maps and
web services are continuing with the aim of quality-integrity
controls and composing legislative bases in decision support
The acquisition of Digital Aerial Camera, Photogrammetric and
Image Storage Software and Hardware with the aim of aerial
image provision; improved the flight capacity and provided
26% decrease in expenses.
2.4 Cadastral Renovation Project (TKMP)
The project is set up for providing the use and updating of
current land registry-cadastre information in legislative and
digital formats with the structure that composes as base for
Spatial Information Systems as foreseen in Cadastre Law.
Based on the needs of the areas which are shorthanded in means
of daily requirements, 22 Region Offices of GDLRC, are
working for updating the “Cadastre Maps and Information”
along with transferring “Screw Plate and Technical Archive
Data to Digital Environment” in order to provide base for
Spatial Information System.
2.5 Land Registry and Cadastre Information System
TAKBIS is an integrated system that aims at monitoring and
controlling of individual and public properties efficiently;
keeping this information in a secure area and accessing the
information safely by transferring land registry and cadastre
records to computer environment for carrying out all activities
on computer infrastructure. With this project; standardization,
minimization of the errors, security, reliability, accountability,
ease in inspection, instant and actual data, integration, quality
etc. will be provided.
2.6 Turkish National Spatial Data Infrastructure Project
As mentioned in the 75 th activity; under Modernization of
Public Administration action plan of Information Community
Strategy that is published and inured in 28/07/2006 with the
number of 26242 in Official Gazette, which foresees the
presentation of data where it is produced; Constitution of
Geographic Information Infrastructure project is carried out
under the authority of GDLRC.
TNSDI is an e-state project aiming at constitution of a national
level GIS infrastructure in accordance with technological
improvements and INSPIRE directives; composing of a web
portal for the public corporation and institutions to present their
data to recipients on the common infrastructure; constitution of
data standards in regard to cover the requirements of the all user
institutions and establishment of geographic data exchange
TURKS AT A.$. is contracted in 16/12/2009 for the feasibility
assessment of the project. After the feasibility assessment is
completed, constitution of web portal studies will be started.
2.7 Land Registry Archive Information System (TARBIS)
With TARBIS project, a big portion of the documents under the
responsibility of Department of Land Registry Archive of
GDLRC, are transferred to digital environment and microfilms;
thus it is provided to keep and use the documents efficiently.
TARBIS applications can record statistics on the usage and
movement of the documents, create reports and supply data to
the demanding individuals or corporations in digital or hard
copy format.
3.1 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
ERP is the general definition for comprehensive management
systems providing efficient use of manpower, machinery and
equipment required for production of goods and services. ERP
systems are generally easy to use and aim at bringing or
supporting to bring all data and processes of an enterprise
together. Enterprises, non-profit organizations, foundations,
governments or other institutions can use ERP systems.
In TAKBIS project carried out by GDLRC; ERP software
package includes; incoming-outgoing documents, overtime,
supplementary payments, project compensation payments,
promoted personnel list, permissions, personnel information and
etc. An ERP system avoids the user to face two or more
software interface and provides additional advantages. It
procures software standardization, use of single software instead
of more
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