Full text: Commission II (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B2, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 14 illustrates a vegetation area that received care. This 
region was classified in the image as “Small change” class. In a 
GIS framework we can enquiry information by attribute. Below, 
we give some examples of queries to explore the features of 
J№ 35300'242123000 
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Significant Change 
Small Change 
Figure 13 - Relationship between vegetation changes (LC and 
SC) and income. 
Figure 15. Spatial query: districts with amount of vegetation 
higher than 0.8 and income lower than RS 1,244 (yellow). 
Figure 16 -Significant Changes in the Vale do Rio Meia Ponte. 
Conversely, we may ask what are the districts with vegetation 
change less than 0.2 and income higher than RS 3.500,00 
(Figure 17). 
Figure 14 - Vegetation area pointed out as “Small change” in 
the vegetation change map. 
Figure 15 presents a spatial query involving the SC variable and 
income. We asked the system to indicate the districts that have 
vegetation change higher than 0.8 and income lower than RS 
1,244. The system pointed out the districts of Vale do Meia 
Ponte, which was confirmed by the field work as shown in 
Figure 16. This area presents abandoned flower beds covered 
with vegetation and city squares that are unattended. 
Figure 17. Spatial Query: what arc the districts with vegetation 
change less than 0.2 and income higher than RS 3.500,00. 
The Central Sector and the Campinas Sector appeared as 
districts with better income and low change, which are also 
confirmed, as illustrated in Figure 18. 
Figure 18 - Small Change in the Central Sector. 
We also verified the possibility of establishing a relationship 
between intra-urban vegetation changes and social-economic

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