Full text: Commission IV (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
with the specification for the scale 1:10,000 (class B) and 
altimetric accuracy compatible with the specified for scale 
1:25,000 (Class A), it is important to note - as it was 
highlighted in IBGE (2009) - that orthoimages and DEM 
derived from this sensor does not allow the extraction of all 
cartographic features present, typically, in official topographic 
maps at this scales. The spatial resolution of the original image 
(2.5 meters) probably does not permit the identification of 
minor elements. The evaluation effort in this work was focused 
on assessment of the geometry, both planimetric and altimetric 
rather than content / semantics of information. So while an 
assessment focusing on the feature extraction/interpretability of 
the Cartosat-1 data is not done, it is estimated that its use allows 
obtaining cartographic features compatible with the scale 
References from Journals: 
TOUTIN, T. 2004. Comparison of Stereo-Extracted DTM from 
Different High-Resolution Sensors: SPOT-5, EROS-A, 
IKONOS-II, and QuickBird. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience 
and Remote Sensing. 42(10), pp. 2121-2129. 
References from Other Literature 
CORREIA, J. D. (2008). Mapeamento de fei^des deposieionais 
quaternárias por imagens orbitais de alta resolugao espacial - 
Medio Vale do Paraiba do Sul. Tese Doutorado, IGEO/UFRJ. 
References from websites: 
M. F.; CORREIA, J. D. Avalia§áo Geométrica de Imagens 
ALOS/PRISM Níveis 1B2G e 1B2R Ortorretificada - estudo de 
caso: Itaguaí, RJ. In: XIV Simposio Brasileiro de 
Sensoriamento Remoto (SBSR) 14..2009, Natal. Anais...Sao 
José dos Campos: INPE, 2009. Artigos, p. 1243-1250. CD- 
ROM, On-line. ISBN 978-85-17-00044-7 . Disponivel em: < 
http://marte.dpi.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/sbsr@80/2008/l 1.17.19. 
47/doc/1731-1738.pdf>. (20 Nov. 2010). 
BRASIL, Decreto 89.817 de 20 de junho de 1984. (1984) 
Estabelece as Instruyes Reguladoras das Normas Técnicas da 
Cartografía nacional. Diario Oficial da República Federativa do 
Brasil, Brasilia, ni 20, 22 de junho de 1984. Site: 
http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil 03/decreto/1980- 
1989/D89817.htm. (10 Apr. 2012). 
IBGE (2009). Avalia^ao Planialtimétrica de Dados 
ALOS/PRISM, Estudo de Caso: Itaguaí-RJ. Disponivel em: 
http://www.ibge.gov.br/alos/relatorios.php. (19 Feb. 2010).

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