International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August-01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
coefficients only, and in addition, including 1 or 5 control
points (CP), supported also by 5 or 17 tie points (TP). When
orientation of images has been executed only with RPC
coefficients (in Summit Evolution), only the approximate
orientation of 3D model was achieved and its stereo viewing
was disturbed. The RMS for X,Y,Z calculated from differences
between field coordinates of check points and the corresponding
points measured on such oriented 3D photogrammetric model
was: RMS[X]=16,6m, RMS[Y]=2,7m and RMS[Z)=47,4m.
Exterior orientation by use RPC coefficients only, was also
executed with remote sensing PCI Geomatica software and the
RMS (only for XY) were: RMS (X) =17,3 m RMS (Y) =3,9 m.
As it can be seen from the above, the accuracy of RPC
orientation by both systems is similar, however the advantage of
the photogrammetric approach is reconstruction of 3D model
and stereo measurement not only X and Y but also Z coordinate.
The results of other cases (executed in stereo Summit
Evolution system), with inclusion of 1 or 5 control points only
and in addition to 5 control, 10 and 17 tie points (stereo
measured), are presented in table 1.
Tab. 1 RMS (X,Y and Z) for check points in 3D models
reconstructed with RPC only, and in addition, with 1 or 5
control points supported by 5 or 17 tic points.
No. of points
control (CP)
tie (TP)
check (CHP)
RPC Only
22 CHP
1 CP
17 CHP
5 CP
17 CHP
5 CP + 5 TP
17 CHP
5 CP + 17 TP
17 CHP
As it can be seen from table 1, for the model reconstructed
only by RPC coefficients, the RMS (XY) and (Z) are very large
and also the very high affinity can be observed between X and
Y coordinates. Inclusion of 1 or 5 control points (CP) for
external orientation, has improved significantly the accuracy of
3D model reconstruction. The RMS evaluated for the horizontal
and vertical coordinates of 17 check points was decreased 14 or
17 times for XY and 22 or 47 times for Z respectively,
regarding to accuracy of orientation by RPC coefficients only.
Stereo-measuring of tie points, in addition to a few control
points, gives the next accuracy improvement. As it is shown in
table 1, more tie points involved better accuracy achieved.
Using for orientation 5 control points and in addition 5 or 17 tie
points, can decrease the RMS(XY) decreased to 0,8m or 0,7m
and RMS(Z) to 0,8 or 0,6m, respectively. The advantage of tie
points inclusion is not only accuracy improvement but their
stereo measurement which allows choosing any type of natural
terrain point, even of very poor quality.
In the experiment, all the measurements were performed on
the photogrammetric station (Summit Evolution) integrated
online with ArcGIS system (platform). This solution has
allowed transferring directly all measured data directly to GIS
database and has given a number of possibilities such as
snapping, attributing objects and as a result creating 2D/3D
databases online. Databases in ArcGIS provide various formats
of the files. The creation of the shape files and definition of the
coordinate system is possible in the ArcCatalog module. In this
project, a geobase was created with separate shape files for
points, lines, polygons, multi-points and multi-patch objects. All
of those formats can store height information, but only multi
patch objects can deal with 3D data (such as blocks).
For registration and edition of the measured data, ArcMap
module is used. Connection of Summit Evolution with ArcMap
is supported by three DAT/EM Tools (Capture, Drawing and
Editing - fig. 5), which allow to determine a type of digitized
object and its edition, information on elements, registration and
edition of DTM points, creation of offsets and switching
between platforms of Summit Evolution and ArcMap.
[DAT/EM Capture Tools
<? F= rti & O in ,* t
Fig.5 DAT/EM Capture Tools in ArcMap (Manual of SE).
In the process of orientation, coordinates of the ground
points (control and check) archived in established GIS database
were used. All these coordinates were transferred to Summit
Evolution auxiliary file using the instruction
Edit->Control File from tools set of Summit Evolution.
After orientation of stereo images, the 3D model was formed
and stereo-digitization of all 3D data requested for
reconstruction of buildings (edges of the roofs), has been
executed and then transferred directly to the selected layers of
ArcMap database. Stereo digitized roofs of buildings in the
shape format are presented in figure 6.
Fig. 6 Stereo digitized roofs of buildings in the shape format
The ArcMap database has contained also the separate layers,
with such data as DTM and ground footprints of buildings,
which were available from other sources. These data, together
with 3D data of building roofs, were useful in the next process
of 3D modelling of buildings, performed in Google SketchUp
programme. This intuitional and user-friendly application
hinges on two basic components - edges and surfaces. The most
important tool - Push/Pull was used on the imported file with