International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August-01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
the roof edges. In order to limit the height of the pulled objects,
the DTM surface was used. The final result, which was later
exported back to the ArcGIS format, is presented in figure 7.
Fig. 7 3D models of buildings on the generated DTM
Acquired data was insufficient for the creation of a very
precise 3D model of buildings and accurate projection of the
details such as shape of the roofs or very small objects. The
final 3D model of buildings was assigned to the LoD-1 level of
details (simple shapes, block model), despite the fact that its
precision has reached LoD-2 level (2m for XY, lm for H).
The last part of the experiment consisted of the final
visualization. The 3D model of buildings was exported from the
Google SketchUp to the ArcGis format (multi-patch shape file).
Next, it was presented in ArcScenc module of ArcGis - the 3D
environment of this platform. The 3D model of buildings was
superimposed to the DTM with overlaying orthomap. All of the
used components had the same coordination system defined.
The final result of 3D visualization of the selected Cracow city
district is presented in figure 8. 4
Fig. 8 Final 3D visualization of selected Cracow city district
In last years Satellite Photogrammetry has become very
popular. Its attractiveness is growing up because of very fast
development of the VHRS systems, which produce imagery of
very high resolution, taken in blocks of overlapped images with
various configuration. This allows to apply a block triangulation
process for simultaneous orientation of all images and to
reconstruct and measure 3D models, based on stereo pairs of
images, to produce variety of photogrammetric 3D products. It
can be also seen, that the new generation VHRS imagery of 0.4
- 0.5 meters resolution, has become very competitive to middle
scale photography, not only in respect to accuracy of point
determination but also to identification of smaller features. In
earlier generation of VHRS imagery (such as Ikonos) a gap
could be observed between accuracy and recognition of
features. The panchromatic mode of lm resolution images,
makes the recognition of smaller details very difficult or
In respect of Ikonos images, the crucial aspect in further
studies is the process of image orientation. RPC coefficients,
attached to the original photographs are not sufficient for a
precise reconstruction of the photogrammetric model and
additionally measured terrain points should be used. This
procedure can decrease the obtained RMS error up to 20 times
for horizontal coordinates and almost 50 times for vertical.
Photogrammetric workstation with a module for 3D Ikonos
model reconstruction and stereodigitization (such as Summit
Evolution) allows to limit considerably the number of control
points with known ground coordinates by involvement of
arbitrary number of tie points for exterior orientation to obtain
the sufficient accuracy.
At the stage of stereodigitization, the compilation of 3D
products with photogrammetric Station Summit Evolution
connected on-line with ArcGIS system is very helpful and
provides useful tools for direct transfer all measured 3D data to
GIS database. The consequence of such arrangement is a
possibility of on-line data control in respect to their content and
accuracy and also to execute in the same time some additional
data processing with ArcGIS software. Such approach, which
has been applied in this project, allowed to achieve the
suitable data for a 3D block model of buildings on the
level LoDl-LoD2.
References from Journals
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References from Other Literature
Bujakiewicz A., Prcuss R., 2010. Extraction of 3D Vector Data
in the Summit Evolution-ArcGIS Photogrammetric System with
Inclusion of Roof Topology. Archives of Photogrammetry,
Cartography and Remote Sensing, Wroclaw, Poland, Vol. 21,
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Eisenbeiss, H., Baltsavias, E., Pateraki, M., Zhang, L., 2004.
Potential of Ikonos and Quickbird imagery for accurate 3D
point positioning, orthoimage and DSM generation. The
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and
Spatial Information Sciences, Istambul, Turkey,Vol. XXXV,
part B3, pp. 522-528.