International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
The chosen rotation vector F (r) is described as the result of
the gray value together with the radius. Actually, the target
image and the reference image are not obtained under the same
conditions. Subject to weather, light, the sensor and impact of
other factors, the target window and the reference window
usually have gray change, noise, light and contrast difference.
So, for the vector F(r), which has the rotation invariance, is still
sensitive to these changes, as showed in Figure 2:
a b
Figure 2 a:F(r) = 34345, b:F(r) = 12432
correspondence search. In this way, multi-to-multi search
process can be simplified to a linear search process. As showed
in Figure 4, it reflects the reference rotation vector and the
target image rotation vector’s distribution.
Broken line X coordinate
Figure 4 Target Feather and Target Image with the F(r) curve
As we can see, if gray-scale between left image and right
image has obvious difference, F(r) is definitely different.
To reduce the gray-scale impact on the rotation vector, Wallis
filter is applied. Wallis filter is used to enhance the image
contrast and reduce the noise, and especially it can be used to
enhance the textures in the images which are very weak in the
original image (Zhang Li, Zhang 1999). Wallis filter can adjust
the color difference between images. It adjusts the gray mean
and variance to a given mean and variance. The formula of
Wallis filtering is as follows.
g(x,y) = m s + V 5 (g c (x,y) - m c )/ v c
The m s is the aim image’s mean, v s is aim image’s variance,
m c is current image’s mean, v c is current image’s variance,
g c (x,y) is the gray value of current image, g(x,y) is the gray
value after Wallis filtering operation. The mean value m and
variance value v of the image is computed with formulas below.
f^y) =
0 g(x,y)\ = i
[1 g(x,y) = i
*,- = Z £/(*•>•)
\-0 y=0
th m i
h ’*h
^ (i - m) 1 * h,
Wallis filtering result is showed in Figure 3
a b
Figure 3 a:F(r) = 211890, b:F(r) = 212432
After the filtering processing, we can obtain the new value of
F(r).It can be used in the relate-computing.
In finding the correspondence in the target image, the F (r) is
calculated by the same method for every image feature. F (r) can
be computed for all the image features firstly, and then do the
The feature in the target image has more than one strongly
related position, all these positions should be recorded as the
correspondence and considered together. After completing the
collection of all potential corresponding points, Generalized
Hough Transform (GHT) is applied to elminate the gross errors.
All points’ right image coordinate x and y will subtract the left
image coordinate, and the highest group of dx and dy will
denote the correspondences. The points over trinal root mean
square (RMS) will be removed.
To verify the validity of the matching algorithm, we selected
three sets of data. The detailed experimental procedure is as
1) Firsty, Wallis filter is applied.
2) Then 10*10 Harris feature points are extracted from the
left image, each feature point contains a window with size
3) Calculates the rotation vector of these feature points,
taking 15 as the radius of rotation vector.
4) Then, calculate the rotation vector of all pixels in the right
image with the same method after edge extraction.
5) According to the similarity measure function, find
potential feature points’ correspondences. Thus, we get the
same points both appearing in left and right images.
6) Analyzing the statistics of the shift which based on the
Generalized Hough Transform (GHT), the peak of votes is used
to establish the match point.
Following are the test data and some process results. The first
image set has a 90 ° rotation angle, the second set is 30 °, the
third one is 45 °.
Test data 1
Area covered by
Size: 2048*2048