International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
The pbsserver is the central module in TORQUE. It can
communicate with other modules and accept the user’s
commands via network protocol. Besides its main functions,
such as recciving/crcating a batch job, modifying the job, and
dispatching the job, a specially designed function was added to
extract data dependencies of a batch job. The input data are an
important criterion for later scheduling.
The pbsrnom is the daemon which places the job into
execution on the node where it resides. One pbsmom runs on
each computing node. The pbs mom receives a copy of the job
from pbs server, creates a new session, places the job into
execution, monitors the status of the running job and reports the
status to pbs server. The modification to the pbs_mom enables
it to report the data status to the database after successfully
executing a job, including input blocks and output results.
The daemon, pbssched, implements the administrator’s policy
to control which job can be ready, when this job is run and with
which resources. The pbs sched communicates with the
pbsserver to determine the availability of jobs in the job queue
and the state of various system resources. It also communicates
with the database for block information to make a scheduling
5.1 Experimental Environment and Datasets
The experimental environment was a six-node Linux cluster
running RcdHat Enterprise Linux 5.5. Each node has two Quad-
Core Intel Xeon CPUs, 8GB DDR2-667 ECC SDRAM, and
1TB hard disk (7200 rpm, 32- MB cache). In this cluster, one
node is configured as the master node, while the other five are
the workers.
The LiDAR point cloud of Gilmer County, West Virginia is
chosen for our experiments, illustrated in Fig.7. It contains
0.883 billion points and occupies 16.4 GB of external space.
The average point space is about 1,4m.
Figure 7. The Gilmer county LiDAR dataset
5.2 Experimental Algorithms
One common LiDAR processing algorithms, Delaunay
triangulation (DT), was chosen to demonstrate the proposed
Split-and-Merge paradigm. The algorithm was executed on the
proposed parallel framework to examine its efficiency and
The Delaunay triangulation pipeline for our proposed
framework is modified from a parallel approach, called
ParaStream (Wu et ah, 2011). ParaStream integrates traditional
D&C methods with streaming computation, and can generate a
Delaunay triangulation for billions of LiDAR points on
multicore architectures within ten to twenty minutes.
The implementation of Split step in the Split-and-Merge
paradigm is to carry out Delaunay triangulation for each
decomposed block, erase the finalized triangles from the current
triangulation (InnerErase), and output the temporary results. The
Merge step in the Split-and-Merge paradigm merges the
triangulations of two adjacent blocks and also erases the
finalized triangles (InterErase). All these discrete tasks need no
neighbor definition. The entire Delaunay triangulation pipeline
falls into the type of n-level binary tree.
5.3 Results and Discussion
All the Split and Merge tasks for the algorithm was written in
C++ and compiled with linux gcc 4.3. In the experiments, the
execution time, speedup, and efficiency were used as the
metrics for evaluating the performance of the parallel
The first experiment evaluated the influence of different task
granularity on parallel performance. The decomposition size of
1000m was adopted. The detailed test results are listed in Table
5 and shown in Fig. 8.
Table 5. Execution time (in seconds) with the DT algorithm
Figure 8. Speedup of parallel DT in this framework
All these experimental results demonstrate that significant
speedup and high data-throughput are achieved with this
framework. At the same time, with this parallel framework, our