In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds). 1APRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part 3A - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010
For compression, the wavelet-based compression was used and
the effectiveness of different wavelet families were examined. Fi
nally, the biorthogonal CDF 3/9 was chosen with the best com
pression rates for this problem. The wavelet coefficients were
thresholded first (with a value of 5.0) to discard the small co
efficients representing unimportant features, and then a uniform
mid-tread quantizer with 255 levels and RLE was applied to the
data. With this method a compression rate of 0.21 was achieved,
i.e. the data was compressed to less then one quarter of the origi
nal size, with the reconstruction error having a standard deviation
of only 1 intensity value.
Both the original and the reconstructed waveform data was classi
fied using an unsupervised classification method, the based on the
SOM algorithm, and the efficiency of the waveform data to use
for classification purposes was examined before and after com
Correlation was observed betw een the shape of the waveforms
and the backscattering material. After the waveforms were sep
arated into one- and multiple-echo waveforms, statistical param
eters of the one-echo waveforms were calculated for the SOM-
based classification (standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis and
amplitude). As a result, the observation set was divided into three
subsets, corresponding to trees, grass and non-vegetation areas.
The classification was enhanced by separating the non-vegetation
areas into pavement and roof, using the local range differences,
calculated from the center of mass values and the starting time of
the backscattered waveforms.
Visual comparison of the result of the classification with aerial
imagery show's, that full-w'aveform LiDAR data can be used very
efficiently to separate the different types of surfaces. Numerical
verification shows a success rate of 84.9%.
Comparing the classification of the original and the reconstructed
waveforms, 9.7% misclassification was observed. Further devel
opment of the compression and the classification algorithm is ex
pected to overcome this difficulty.
The authors thank to Optech Incorporated for the data provided
for this research. The second author wish to thank to The Thomas
Cholnoky Foundation for the support of her visit at The Center
for Mapping at The Ohio State University, during the time-period
this work has been accomplished.
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