In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds), IAPRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3, 2010
extraction, features of a certain point are computed by using its
neighbours within a spherical space with a fixed radius from the
point. Thus, the following 21 features are extracted per each
voxel and point. Figure 1 includes the colorized map of the
ground truth and several important features derived by the
point-based feature extraction approach.
(b) Height
(c) Vegetation echo
(d) Sphericity
(g) Homogeneity of surface
(h) Density ratio
(i) Hough Transformation
(j) Point density
Figure 1. Ground truth and 9 important features (blue: low and
red: high)
3.3.1 Height from ground level
A digital terrain model (DTM) is formed by the recursive TIN
fragmentation in every downward and upward stage (Sohn and
Dowman, 2002). The height is the vertical distance from a
certain point to the previously formed terrain surface in both
approaches. If the terrain is one of the target classes whose
classification is necessary, this would be the most important
3.3.2 Hough transformation (HT)
The HT, which is a general method to extract linear objects such
as roads from images, needs to be enhanced prior to being
applied to the two dimensional points that are projected onto the
base plane of each segment. This is because the projected power
line points cannot be placed on an ideal straight line due to the
system errors of ALS (the horizontal error with a laser scanner,
the vibration of airplane, and GPS/IMU error) and
environmental effects (ice and wind load). Additionally,
multiple wires could exist within a segment. Therefore, for the
HT value we consider a global maximum and several local
maxima existing in the range near the 0 corresponding to the
global maximum bin in an accumulating matrix of the HT
domain. In here it is supposed that the multiple wires are
parallel each other. When the perpendicular angle to the
orientation direction of the line with the global maximum is
the range of 0 gmax -l to 6gmax + l is taken into account to
find local maxima bins. The 0 size of a bin is 2 degrees, so the
range for local maxima search is 0^* ±2°. Conclusively, the
HT value considering the votes of a global maximum and local
maxima is defined by:
V +
g max
¿шшА / Г
HT =
Np,* * max
where, F gmax = the vote of a global maximum bin
J'rthmax ~ the vote of the i th local maximum bin existing
between 0 gmax ±l
Vma X = the number of maxima bins
Vp, = the number of points within a segment
3.3.3 Eigenvalue-based
The eigenvalues are computed from the covariance matrix
between x, y, and z of 3D points. Supposed that the extracted
eigenvalues are X b X 2 , and X 3 (Xj > X 2 > X 3 ), three variables
might have different values according to following three cases:
X.) « X 2 ~ X 3 for scattering points, Xj, X 2 » X 3 for points on
surfaces, and Xj » X 2> X 3 for linear structures. On the basis of
this principle, the following features on eigenvalues are defined
(Chehata et al., 2009):
Anisotropy, which is opposed to isotropy, means the
homogeneity of point distribution in three arbitrary
perpendicular axes. This feature is useful to separate anisotropic
structures except for vegetation.
Anisotropy = ———
Linearity: This helps to detect linear structures similarly to the
HT. However, the linearity on eigenvalues also shows high
values at building edges as well as power-line.
Linearity = ^ ^
Planarity: Planar structures such as ground and building roofs
could be extracted by this feature.
Planaritiy = ———
Sphericity: This indicates the magnitude of equally distributing
in all three directions for points. Vegetation could be strong.
Sphericity = ~
3.3.4 Surface-based
The plane-based features are measured by generating an
estimated plane or TIN models from member points of a given
segment. These are associated with surface slope, surface
roughness and homogeneity of surface normal.
Plane slope: This is the angle difference between normal vector
of an estimated plane and the z direction. The neighbouring
points are regressed by a plane. Building roofs and ground
mostly have weak values compared that vegetation has random