In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C. Tournaire O. (Eds). IAPRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010
Merging is similar to region growing in computer vision
problems, in which Weingaiten(2004), proposed a dynamic list
structure of cubes and the computation complexity is O(n) after
sorting. In our design, we adopted the dynamic linked list tree
structure to present the data set plane merging in 0(n) without
sorting. By run-time encoding of planes, we only pass the
normal vectors and the point of geometric center according to
the index to the merging decision maker. The merging of
planar patches is based on two criterions: proximity and the
surface normal disparity (Stamos and Allen 2000). The
proximity matrix is created by combining one dimension
distance vectors of individual point to planes. denotes the
distance from the geometric center of i-th patch to j-th patch.
D\ i D n •••"
Taking advantage of the symmetric property, we can reduce the
matrix memory access by creating the mutual distance matrix
M such as
M = P + P T , (11)
where the superscript T denotes the matrix transpose. For each
element //?;, in M, a threshold value 1 is chosen to merge the
similar patches. Thus, a set m is then obtained according to
m = Vm..</ (12)
The final step is to merge the planar patches with similar
surface normal vectors.
2.4 Boundary Extraction Based on Planar Convex-hull
In definition, the convex hull for a points set X in a real vector
space V is the minimal convex set containing X. For a planar
convex-hull, the boundary can be used to present an edge of
some plane. In a 2D points set, there exists a convex for all the
point in R~. After a plane in R' is rotated to x-y plane, the 3D
planar edge detection problem is reduced to a 2D convex hull
problem. By experiment, the computation cost of 3D convex
hull is two times larger than in 2D space. The following
procedure shows the detail to extract the edges of each merged
Step 1. For each points P" (/ = 1 ...M), we can evaluate the
orthographic projected points P e R' on the distributed plane
0 fi alone the direction of N“. In the 3D-Euclid space, Pmust
be constrained by the following condition:
P'f-N" = C“,V/' e [l,Af] > (12)
where C 1 is a constant. Figure 3 show's the projection of P,"to
p 7
Step 2. For constructing the planar convex-hull in R~. it is
desired to find a rigid transformation (a rotation matrix
O"(0, <$<^)<eS03 and a translation vector t"(//, t- a )) which is
able to transform P ’" from 0" to P, aT on x-y plane, such as
P“ 7 - z = 0 -»(O" • P'“+t")-z = 0, (13)
where z = [0,0,1] is an unit vector along Z axis. The
corresponding ®" and t" can be determined by solving the
above equation through “Levenberg Marquardf algorithm and
“Rodrigues” algebra. Then, the points P,“ 7 have the form [p x aT ,
p " T , p” r =0] since Pj aT e [x-y plane]. We can choose the first
two elements to create new points P" = [ p xl aT , p y !' J ] g R‘. A
new set P" which contains P" (/' = 1...A/) is established for
developing the planar convex-hull.
Step 3. There are various convex-hull algorithms considering
many aspects of constraints, including floating number
precision, computational cost, and the implementation
complexity. The one we adopt is the “2D qliull” (Barber 1996),
the complexity of qhull is 0(/?log(/?)), it works with double
precision numbers, and it is fairly robust. The basic idea is
applying “Divide-and-Conquer” method after sorting the points
set in the fashion:
(x 0 ,,v 0 )<(*„) or (x 0 = x,, To <>’,)• (14)
The merge component takes linear time O(n), therefore, the
overall complexity is 0(A7log(/?)). The procedure below' shows
the detail of merge algorithm:
Algorithm 2DConvexHullMerge(H L .Hr)
Function arguments: H L \ left convex polygon, H R . right convex
1. Pi = fmdMaxX(Hi);
2. Qi =findMinX(H R );
3. while ( not tangent(Pi, ()■,))
4. = fmdMaxX{H L -{/*, });
5. Q i+I = jindMinX(H R - { O,});
6. end w hile
7. Hull = mergeTwoHull(Hi,H R );
8. return createCounterClockHuII(Y{u\Y);
In order to draw the planar polygon more easily, it is important
to produce a counter-clockwise permuted hull. From above, the
geometric boundary of a plane can be extracted by applying 2D
qhull algorithm. In most cases, the boundary can be considered
as a good approximation to the real geometry shape; it can be a
good starting point w'hen there is an occlusion happened in the
LiDAR data which hull helps to complement some point loss.
The overall algorithm proposed in this paper can be
summarized in the following pipeline.
I Laser scan I
i , ,
|Segmentationf-jT Planar patch extraction j|Project P" to planeQ^I
[Create new points P a e R~|(-(Project P ‘> X ~ Y plane |
["Create planar convex-hull }—jfEdpc detection |
Figure 4. Processing pipeline