In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds), IAPRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010
Yoldaç Ataseven ^ b *, A. Aydin Alatan“
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, M.E.T.U., 06531 Cankaya Ankara, Turkey (yoldas, alatan)
b ASELS AN Inc., P.K. 1 Yenimahalle, Ankara, Turkey -
Commission III, WG III/2
KEY WORDS: Registration, SRTM, Stereo, interpolation, RPC , IKONOS
This paper presents a simple methodology for accurate registration of the available elevation data sources, such as SRTM and
ASTER DEM, to high resolution satellite images. For this purpose, widely used rational polynomial functions are utilized to project
a point in the elevation data onto the satellite image. These projections are then interpolated in the image domain by using quadratic
surface fitting. Possible hole points (empty pixels) are eliminated by using overlapping patches. The errors in SRTM data and
satellite image geo-location are reduced by the help of tie points. The experimental results indicate better geo-location accuracy
compared to the original satellite RPC's could provide. The proposed approach provides a good initial position estimate for each
pixel in both stereo satellite images with no ground control points (GCPs), possibly resulting in fast convergence for expensive
surface generation iterations and fast stereo match point detection.
Modem Earth Observation Satellites (EOS) provide sub-meter
resolution and images are in hundred mega-pixels range. The
utilization of along-track stereo imaging provides massive
amounts of data, which result in very expensive computations,
especially for DTM/DSM generation.
Sub-meter geo-location and elevation accuracies require
rigorous satellite models (which are not made available by data
providers), or non-linear projection information, namely
rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs), that are provided by
the images, and ground control points (GCPs) collected from
the field of interest.
Terrain reconstruction is often based on a convex optimization
scheme, which optimizes the geodetic coordinates by
minimizing the projection errors with respect to the stereo
correspondences [Di 2001]. The common approach is to start
the iterations with very coarse initial estimates, such as “average
altitude of the region of interest”, which is reported to be
sufficient from both convergence speed and accuracy points of
view. However, this conclusion is empirical, since the
projective relation defined by the RPC's is non-linear. Although
the derivatives can be computed analytically, the error surfaces
are quadratic only in the image coordinates, not in geodetic
Hence, an acceptable initial estimate should provide faster
convergence and avoid possible trapping in false local minimas
in RPC reconstruction.
It is known that RPC coefficients of modem satellites are biased
to yield a few meters of mislocation [Dial 2002a], The usage of
GCPs is required for bias elimination. The geolocation error
power is concentrated on the constant bias term; thus, even a
single GCP might provide significant improvement in the
geolocation accuracy [Dial 2002a, 2002b, Jacobsen 2008].
However, GCP collection is a time consuming and expensive
task, which requires advanced devices for accurate
On the other hand, there are widely known and freely available
sources of terrain data, such as SRTM [Farr 2007] and ASTER
DEM. Surprisingly, efforts to utilize these sources are limited
[Arevaloa 2008, Gongalvez 2007, Papasaika 2008]. The
common approach for such exploitation is to generate a sparse
point cloud from the stereo images and then find the
transformation that registers the point cloud to SRTM. When no
GCPs are used, the errors in the projection functions remain and
these errors are propagated to the sparse reconstruction, with
possible amplification during the triangulation. A recent study
[Gongalvez 2008] presented an approach to register SRTM with
ALOS images without DEM generation. However, level 1B2
images (which are already geo-referenced) are used for that
purpose [Gongalvez 2008].
This paper presents a method to obtain good initial estimates for
each pixel of a low level satellite image (only with radiometric
corrections), by using freely available SRTM data. The method
is then extended to utilize stereo images for an improvement in
geolocation accuracy.
The scope of this text is limited to registration (methodology
and accuracy) only. The effect on reconstruction speed is left to
another study.
2.1.0bject-to-Image SRTM Registration
The proposed algorithm uses the data vendor provided RPCs to
perform the registration from the object domain to the image
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