Split image? ■ ■
. Yes. ,.JVo Unknown
. new split energy formulation , ,
Figure 1: Hierarchical unsupervised segmentation: algorithm re
cursively confronts data with models. Regions that do not match
any proposed model are split. Contribution of this article is men
tioned in red.
Model Matching
The problem is to recognize some proposed models in the facade.
Given an image region, intensity is compared to one of these
models in increasing complexity order: the planar model, then
the generalized cylinders. The process stops when the sub-image
is considered as a good match for the model: we simply count
local radiometric differences as follows. Let R- be the sub-image
at region Rk of a façade image /. Sub-image h is described by
model M when the deviation (/*.) is small enough and if
this model is the simplest one. Deviation iV.vi(/ fc ) is defined by
the number of pixels whose radiometry differs too much from the
The planar model assumes that the intensity of the sub-image R
at pixel p follows an uniform radiometry: R-(p) = A + e(p) with
A being the uniform radiometry and e(p) being noise (small lo
cal details, sparse occlusions or Gaussian noise). The generalized
cylinders are designed either in columns or in rows. The cylin-
dric model in columns for instance assumes intensities to follow
Ik(x, y) = A(:r)+e(a;, y) with X(x) being the cylinder value and
e(x, y) being noise. Figure 2 illustrates instances of such models.
Figure 2: Instances of radiometric cylindric models: vertical
cylinders can be detected in window pane or wall railings, hor
izontal cylinders in window shutter or wall background
horizontal and vertical dominant alignments are respectively de
tected at maxima of vertical and horizontal profiles of gradient
accumulation, vertical profile being obtained by horizontal gradi
ents. This enforces low but repetitive contrasts.
The split strategy relies on structures alignment break between
two facades or inside one facade. Split hypotheses are the previ
ous detected dominant alignments. If such a vertical hypothesis
is located at .x*o. horizontal dominant alignments are separately
detected in the left and right regions. Two new grid patterns are
thus constituted by vertical dominant alignments and new hori
zontal ones. An edge of such a grid pattern that covers enough
strong gradients is named regular edges. Other ones are fictive
edges: falsely detected edges. The best splitting hypothesis min
imizes the length of fictive edges in each of the two sub-region.
Figure 3a shows such split process optimization.
The strength of dominant alignment usage is its independence to
local isolated structures. (Burochin et al., 2009) aims at mini
mizing such alignments in best split selection. But alignments
of edges at two different scales are then compared. They do not
deal with the same structure types. For instance on figure 3a, the
fictive edges of the top region nearly coincide with the ones of
the whole region whereas bottom region contains long contam
inating fictive edges generated by local high contrasts that were
insignificant in the whole region. Split energy at this hypothesis
is negative. Yet it is precisely the split location we are looking for.
In this typical case, an information about a road sign is compared
to alignment of window borders.
3.1 Optimization in Edges Space
We propose in this paper a static edges structure based split opti
mization. We have chosen the solution to study edges distribution
only with dominant alignments grid pattern of the whole region
unlike approach of (Burochin et al., 2009). We build an edges
space based on this grid pattern. Now let us introduce the hori
zontal edges space.
be the vertical dominant alignment set such that