Object: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed full manuscripts (Part A)

In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C... Tournaire O. (Eds), IAPRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010 
Figure 3: From top to bottom: part of reference image, over 
segmentation using polygons (contours in red), view-centered 
model (texture and normals) reconstructed from 3 poses (in red). 
www.O—360.com, 2010. 
www.ptgrey.com, 2010. 
Zitnick, C. and Kang, S., 2007. Stereo for image-based rendering 
using image over-segmentation. 1JCV 75(1), pp. 49-65. 
Let p be a 3D point. The covariance matrix C p of p is pro 
vided by ray intersection from p projections in images J\f(i) = 
{i — k i i + k} using Levenberg-Marquardt. In this pa 
per, ray intersection and covariance C p result from the angle er 
ror in (Lhuillier, 2008b). The Mahalanobis distance D p between 
points p and p' is D p (p') = y/(p - p') T C P 1 (p - p')- 
We define points p = c* + zu and p' = c, + z'u using camera 
location cray direction u and depths 2, z'. If 2 is large enough, 
u is a good approximation of the main axis of C p : we have C p ss 
cr p uu 7 and u r C p 1 u a p 2 where o p is the largest singular 
value of C p . In this context, we obtain D p (p') ss — ■■ ^. 
If x has the Gaussian distribution with mean p and covariance 
C p , -D p (x) has the A’ 2 distribution with 3 d.o.f. We decide that 
points p and p' are the same (up to error) if both D p (p') and 
Dp, (p) are less than the 90% quantile of this distribution: w ; e 
decide that p and p' are the same point if D{p. p') < 2.5 w'here 
D(P- p') = max{D p (p'), D p , (p)} « } • 
Let tt be the plane n r x-M = 0. The point-to-plane Mahalanobis 
distance is D p (n) = min x e»r D p (x) = fn nr P c + p - (Schindler 
and Bischof, 2003). Thus C p ^ a p uu 7 and p' G 77 imply 
D 2 p (n) 
(n 7 p'+d+n 1 (p—p'))~ (z — z') 2 
<т2(п ' r U ) ! 
D 2 P (p). 
Last, we obtain the point-to-plane thresholding and distance used 
in Section 2.5. We decide that p is in plane n if D{p. p') < 
2.5 where p' 6 77. The robust distance between p and tt is 
min{D(p. p'), 2.5} ~ min{ 
min{<Tp ,(T / } ’ 
2.5}, z' = 
n 1 c v +d 
In Section 2.3, we would like to apply CBA (constrained bun 
dle adjustment) summarized in (Triggs et al., 2000) to remove 
the drift. This method minimizes the re-projection error func 
tion x h-> /(x) subject to the drift removal constraint c(x) = 0, 
where x concatenates poses and 3D points. Here w'e have c(x) = 
xi — xf where xi and xf concatenate 3D locations of images 
j\f (?) and their duplicates of images A r (n + k), respectively. All 
3D parameters of sequence {0 • ■ • n + 2A-} are in x except the 3D 
locations of A r {j) and N (?i + k). During CBA, xf is fixed and 
xi evolves towards xf. 
How'ever. there is a difficulty with this scheme. CBA iteration 
(Triggs et ah, 2000) improves x by adding step A which mini 
mizes quadratic Taylor expansion of / subject to 0 % c(x + A) 
and linear Taylor expansion c(x + A) ^ c(x) + CA. We use no 
tations x 7 = (xf xf ). A r = (Af’ A-;T), C = (Ci C2) 
and obtain Ci = I. C2 = 0. Thus, we have Ai = —c(x) at the 
first CBA iteration. On the one hand, A] = — c(x) is the drift 
and may be very large. On the other hand. A should be small 
enough for quadratic Taylor approximation of /. 
The “reduced problem” in (Triggs et ah, 2000) is used: BA itera 
tion minimizes the quadratic Taylor expansion of A2 g(A-2) 
where g(A- 2 ) = /(A(A- 2 )) and A(A 2 ) r = (-c(x) r A-f). 
Step A2 meets T/2(A)A 2 = -g 2 , where (A, g 2 .// 2 (A)) are 
damping parameter, gradient and damped hessian of g. Update 
x <— x + A(A 2 ) holds if^(A 2 ) < min{l.l/o,.9(0)}, where 
/0 is the value of /(x) before CBA. It can be shown that this 
inequality is true if c(x) is small enough and A is large enough. 
Here we reset c. by c n at the n th iteration of CBA to have a small 
enough c(x). Let xf be the value of xi before CBA. We use 
c„(x) = xi — ((1 — 7n)x ( i 1 + 7nxf), w'here 7« increases pro 
gressively from 0 (no constraint at CBA start) to 1 (full constraint 
at CBA end). One CBA iteration is summarized as follows. First, 
estimate A 2 (7 fl ) for the current value of (A,x) (a single linear 
system 7/ 2 (A)X = Y is solved for all 7 n e [0,1]). Second, try 
to increase 7 „. such that g( A 2 (7 n )) < min{l.l/ 0 , ^(0)}. If the 
iteration succeeds, apply x <— x + A(A 2 ). Furthermore, apply 
A +— A/10 if 7n = 7n-i. If the iteration fails, apply A <— 100A. 
If 7rj > 7n-i or 7„ = 1, choose 7„+i = at the (n + l) th 
iteration to obtain A(A- 2 ) T = (o' A^) and to decrease / as 
soon (or much) as possible.

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