In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds), 1APRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010
Equation (6) indicates that V oscillates on a one-pixel cycle in
side similarly to V x of the line segment with the length d and the
local maxima of F in the one-pixel cycle are inversely
proportional to the square of d. Moreover, it shows that F has
the local minima 0 when S = 0 in the one-pixel cycle in the
same way as V x of the line segment. Figure 3 shows the RMSE
>Jv from d- 2 to d = 20.
Figure 3. RMSE yfv of square by WCM
The result of the analysis demonstrates that sampling in
digitization causes the measurement accuracy by WCM to
oscillate on a one-pixel cycle in side.
3.2.2 BCM: The region division of (5, 1) according to the
thresholding result of the pixel containing each vertex of the
square is much complicated and it takes a large space to show
the formulae of the measurement error (¿^., £,,) of the center
location of the square by BCM using the threshold g T = 1/2.
Furthermore, the variances (V x , F v ) and Fof (s r , s y ) are unable
to be obtained analytically. Therefore, we decided to omit
showing the formulae of (e x , s v ) in this paper.
F were obtained by numerical integration and Figure 3 shows
the RMSE yjv from d = 2 to d= 20.
Figure 4. RMSE yfv of square by BCM
The results by the numerical integration show that F oscillates
on a one-pixel cycle in side similarly to F v of the line segment.
However, those show that the local maxima and local minima
of F in the one-pixel cycle increase as d increases in contrast to
the fact that F v of the line segment is independent of the integer
part of the length d. The increases of the local maxima and
local minima of F with an increase in d could be explained in
terms that the thresholding result of the pixel containing each
vertex of the square would make the measurement accuracy
higher and the influence of these four vertex pixels would
decrease as d increases.
If <5=0, that is to say, d is an integer, F can be obtained
analytically and be expressed by Equation (7) The red broken
line in Figure 4 shows Jv calculated by using Equation (7).
V =
-"“ + log„2
i_L_ + l
J(rf+i) 6
When d » 1, F becomes nearly independent of the integer part
of d similarly to V x of the line segment with the length d and
could be approximated to Equation (8).
V = V +V =2 F
The results by the numerical integration show that sampling in
digitization would cause the measurement accuracy by BCM to
oscillate on a one-pixel cycle in side as well as by WCM.
3.3 Circle
It was assumed that a circle with the diameter d was placed as
its center was located on (s + d/2. t + d/2) (0 < s < 1, 0 < t < 1).
Table 4 shows the gray value g,y of the circle when d = 2 and 1 =
0. The general expression of g, 7 is complicated with sine and
inverse sine functions in the same way as Table 4 shows.
Consequently, the measurement error (s x , £,,) by either WCM or
BCM is expressed by the combination of sine and inverse sine
functions, and the variances (V x , F,,) and Fof (s x , s v ) are unable
to be obtained analytically.
gu a
= 0,1)
—(#i +0 2 ) +—(sin26 , l +sin2#,)
2 '4
— ~sin 2 0 2
0\ = sin '(5), 02 = sin '(1 - s)
Table 4. Grey value g, 7 of circle when d= 2 and t - 0
3.3.1 WCM: The variances (V x , V y ) and F of the
measurement errors (s x , of the center location of the circle
by WCM were obtained by numerical integration. Figure 5
shows the RMSE Jv from d = 2 to d= 20.
.* 0.015
2 0.005
By numerical integration
By approximation
Approximation error
Diameter (pixel)
Figure 5. RMSE yfÿ of circle by WCM