In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M„ Mallet C., Tournaire O. (Eds), 1APRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010
gions, each of them referred to its own plane. This task allows
to interpolate the raw' data to obtain a grid DEM for each region.
Considerations about scan georeferencing and preliminary filter
ing from vegetation are reported in (Alba et al., 2010). Hereafter,
the processing is carried on by computing point-wise differences
between both DEMs of the same region corresponding to differ
ent epochs. The ADEM achieved this way is then analysed along
a three-step procedure. First, possible systematic effects or low-
frequency deformations are extracted by looking for a linear com
ponent in the ADEM. If this component is statistically signifi
cant, it is removed from the dataset. Thus the ADEM is checked
against major changes, i.e. loss of material or vegetation growth.
Finally, deformations are looked for by analyzing the mean de
formations computed on square windows of a few decimeter side,
process that should theoretically improve the original precision of
each point. Deformations are detected on the basis of statistical
testing, which requires an estimate of the ADEM precision (see
Par. 2.6.1).
2009). An approach based on the relative scan coregistration by
means of ICP algorithm might allow to improve the relative ac
curacy, even though it requires that stable parts are in the scene.
The technique that is currently implemented for the analysis of
surfaces requires that both point clouds to be compared are re
sampled on a regular grid (DEM) established with respect to a
reference plane. If the entire rock face under investigation has a
complex morphology and cannot be referred to one plane only,
a segmentation step is required to split up the whole dataset in
smaller 2.5D regions. The method proposed by Roncella and
Forlani (2005) is well suitable to this aim. This is based on
a RANSAC segmentation technique requiring the definition of
two input parameters: the maximum allowed distanced of a point
from its reference plane, and the minimum number of points per
region. In order to avoid different segmentations at two epochs,
this procedure is applied to point cloud 1. and then the boundary
of each region Regu is utilized to subdivide point cloud 2. Here
after, each region Regk will be separately analysed; accordingly,
the subscript index k will be omitted. A plane 7r is estimated by
Least Squares on the basis of points belonging to a specific re
gion only. Finally, data can be resampled to a grid lattice, whose
resolution Sdem (from now on called ‘DEM Unit’-DU) is very'
close to the one of the original data to avoid loss of information.
Each Reg at epoch t gives rise to a surface that is described by a
rectangular matrix DEM 1 to be used as input for next processing
2.2 Computation of the ADEM
The deformation of a cliff consists in the change of the shape
of its surface, due to sliding of rock masses along discontinu
ities. Usually deformations are preliminary to rockfalls, whose
magnitude can depend on several factors. Thus the deformation
analysis of a cliff’s surface surveyed at two or more epochs must
comprehends two main stages. The first one is the change de
tection (CliDet), which is focused to find rocks that fell down
between two observation epochs and to filter out the grown veg
etation. Regions that are interested by these two processes must
be excluded from the next stage of the analysis. This is repre
sented by the deformation analysis (DefAn) aimed to locate the
areas that were affected by shape deformations.
The first step before proceeding with both items is to compute
a new matrix ADEM resulting from the difference of the two
DEMs concerning the same region (Reg):
ADEM 12 = DEM 2 - DEM 1 . (1)
Figure 1: Workflow of the procedure for rock face deformation
2.1 Preliminary data processing
Deformation analysis is carried out on the basis of two datasets
taken under the same operational conditions at epochs t\ and 12.
Details about data acquisition planning and instruments can be
found in Alba et al. (2005). At least one epoch data must be geo-
referenced into a GRS in order to align the 2 axis of the project
RS (PRS) to the local plumb-line, and to refer data to the national
mapping system. Indeed, in the geomorphological analysis these
tasks are generally needed to define the spatial orientation of rock
discontinuities. On the other hand, the use of GCPs to register
point cloud at epoch t-2 into the same RS cannot be enough to
obtain an accuracy suitable to detect deformations (Alba et al.,
The area-based methods for deformation analysis which have
been quoted in Section 1 make use of interpolations of the orig
inal point clouds. Unfortunately, this approach can’t be directly
applied to the problem discussed here because of irregular sur
faces. In absence of deformations and changes, the ADEM eval
uated from Eq. 1 should be flat and regular, so that an area-based
technique could be applied to it. Theoretically, elevations z(i,j)
of the ADEM should be normally distributed as N(0, a 2 ), where
a z is the of each ADEM point along 2. Both algorithms
ChDet and DefAn will look for discrepancies with respect to this
stochastic model.
On the other hand, the use of ADEM introduces the following
drawbacks: (i) the computation of ADEM requires interpolation
of the original point clouds, task that increases the correlation
between points at the same epoch; (ii) the use of DEMs results
in a low-pass filtering, with consequent loss of information; (iii)
misalignment errors on both DEMs at epochs t\ and t2 might be
emphasized when computing the ADEM.