1л: Paparoditis N., Pieirot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds). LAPRS, Vol. XXXV1I1. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3, 2010
2.3 Extraction of the low-frequency deformation
A first deviation from the assumption on stochastic model is due
to the presence of a low-frequency component in the ADEM.
This might originate from three possible grounds: residual geo-
referencing errors; instability of the RS; major deformations on
the cliff (e.g. due to a global displacement of the whole slope).
Understanding the meaning of a such component is a complex
issue, requiring context-aware analysis and comparison between
results obtained on other Regs and w ith geodetic measurements.
On the other hand, here the main task is to look for low-pass de
formation. that currently is implemented as the estimation of a
3D plane Sz = ai + bj 4- c fitting the ADEM. Because some ma
jor changes might be in the ADEM. the estimation of the linear
component is carried out first by using a robust approach (Ll-
nonn). Secondly, the final estimation of the plane parameters
x = [a b c] r is performed by standard Least Squares. A y 2 test
on the estimated sigma naught (<7q) allows to check if the linear
model fit the data well or not. In case of good fit a further statis
tical testing on the significance of each element of the vector x is
applied to decide if a low-frequency component is worthy to be
removed or not. Estimated parameters which are retained to be
significant are stored in the vector x s \ otherwise, their place in x s
is put equal zero. Finally the estimated low-frequency component
is subtracted from the ADEM:
z'(i, j) = z(i, j) - [ij 1] • x s . (2)
2.4 Change detection algorithm
The major changes on a rock face are for the most due to the
detachment of boulders or to the vegetation growing. Both fea
ture some specific characteristics that allow to recognize them,
and some others that are undifferentiated. For example, rock
falls result in a negative change on the ADEM, while vegeta
tion gives rise to positive changes during its growth and negative
when leaves fall. Furthermore, other material could accumulate
on the cliff resulting in positive changes on the ADEM (e.g. a
bird nest).
The procedure that is described here cannot actually account for
all these factors, but it tries to extract information from the ADEM
according to a set of basic rules. First of all. rock detachments
can result only in negative changes (holes) on the ADEM. More
over, only blocks of significant size deserve to be considered,
because smaller size rocks are not relevant for geological anal
yses. Two thresholds have been introduced to recognize holes in
the ADEM: the min width (w cav ) of a rock-mass which has de
tached: the min depth (Sz cav ) of the resulting cavity.
On the other hand, some specific techniques exist to remove the
vegetated areas before data processing (see Alba et al., 2009;
2010). This results in the fact that at this stage both original
DEMs have been already filtered out from vegetation, apart some
errors which might still remain. How'ever, two thresholds are es
tablished to detect the vegetation growth only: the min bush width
(w veg ): the min bush growth along z direction (z veg ). Conversely,
when leaves fall, the resulting hole in the ADEM can be confused
with a rock detachment. A final visual inspection of results can
help in understanding errors, perhaps by texturing the DSM of
the cliff by using RGB (or NIR) images.
The basic concept of ChDet algorithm is to perform an analysis
of volumetric changes by considering relevant variations in the
ADEM surface. We consider here an approach useful for both
losses of material and vegetation grow'th. even though each of
this could be further specialized (e.g. by considering local rough
ness. curvature, or by integrating further data like RGB and NIR
images, laser intensity). The assumption made is that changes
are much larger that data uncertainty and they can be detected
by fixing suitable thresholds depending on the geomorphology of
the cliff. The localization of holes is carried out along the two
following phases.
2.4.1 Holes localization The convolution of ADEM with a
square matrix H is computed to define the map of mean displace
ments M in the nearby of each point:
M = ADEM 0 H = ADEM 0 —I. (3)
W c .av
Secondly, each element i. j of M is tested to check if it belongs
to a region of detachment (or growth):
{ D i; = 1, when M,, < Sz cav
D,j = 0. elsewhere.
The matrix D maps all discovered holes in the ADEM. Accord
ing to the smoothness of M w.r.t. ADEM, once adequate thresh
olds w C av and Szcav have been established, commission errors
are very unlikely. On the other hand, small losses of material
could not be detected, but usually they are not relevant.
2.4.2 Improvement of the holes contours To better define
the contours of each cavity and to improve the accuracy of com
puted detached volumes, a further procedure has been applied.
Indeed, errors in the classification of contours by linear filtering
might be larger when the depth of the holes is deeper.
First of all. elements of matrix D classified as detachments are
grouped into clusters of points belonging to the same hole. Un
der the hypothesis that no commission errors have been made,
all clusters are held, even though they feature few members only.
Then the largest cross-section d x of each hole i-th is computed
according to D. A square window W, sizing 2d t -\ DU is ex
tracted from the ADEM at corresponding elements. A median
filtering is applied to W*. This task might result in the loss of the
smallest cavities found during linear filtering described at Sub
section 2.4.1. because of the robustness of the median filter of
size Wcav x w C av For this reason, only holes accounting for a
minimum number of points n = 0.5 • wij. av + 1 hold. Indeed,
median filtering is applied only to redefine contours of already
extracted holes, not to look for new ones. Results of latest fil
tering are stored into a matrix M . Now the test (4) is applied
again but considering M instead of M. After the second clas
sification, the contour is redefined and points with D(i,j) = 1
clusterized newly. In Figure 2 is shown somehow the use of the
median filtering preserves the edge of a cavity in a cliff.
Figure 2: Differences in the definition of contours of a hole when
applying a linear (left) or a median filtering (right)
2.4.3 Filtering out the grown vegetation The same proce
dure is then applied, if needed, to look for vegetation grown in the
meanwhile of two observation epochs. Here only the localization
stage is performed, because the precise volume of vegetation is