The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008
In eq. (5), e, is the elevation difference between an InSAR
DEM and a truth DEM and n is the number of points involved
in the evaluation.
3.1 Data
The SAR data are two pairs of ERS-1/2 tandem mode single
look complex images. The first pair covers about 10 counties in
northern Indiana, USA, where the terrain is relatively flat. The
second pair covers about 10 counties in southern Indiana, USA,
with more varied terrain. Both pairs were acquired in fall 1995
(Figure 1).
Figure 3 Orthophoto DEM overlaying Indiana counties
figure 1 SAR images overlaying Indiana counties
The USGS SRTM 3 arc second DEM are used as the reference
DEM for the InSAR DEM registration and alignment. It has
global coverage between 60 degrees N and 56 degrees S
latitude. The vertical accuracy is +/-10 meters RMSE. The post
spacing or GSD (ground sample distance) is about 90 meters.
(Figure 2)
All of those DEMs, including processed InSAR DEM, are
reprojected into WGS84 UTM (Zone 16 North) with post
spacing of 16 meters, and the vertical datum of WGS84
ellipsoidal height in meter.
Selecting GCPs on SAR images proved to be difficult. GCPs
maintained for optical imagery are not visible on ERS SAR
images unless comer reflectors are placed during acquisition or
the target and background are large and have quite different
backscatter. In this study, GCPs are derived from a combination
of ortho imagery for planimetry and the associated DEM for
elevation, with features also visible on the SAR images.
3.2 Tools
(Leica) ERDAS IMAGINE was used for InSAR DEM
processing. GCPs are applied in the processing for the second
Matlab program was developed for the registration of InSAR
DEM and reference DEM, searching for the conjugate points,
transforming and resampling InSAR DEM, and InSAR DEM
evaluation against “truth DEM”.
C program from “Introduction to Modem Photogrammetry”
was used for deriving seven-parameter transformation equations
from 3D conjugate points. (Mikhail et al., 2001)
3.3 Experiment
In this study, the primary experiment was to compare the
accuracy of the refined InSAR DEM with no GCPs applied in
InSAR processing, to the accuracy of the GCP assisted InSAR
DEM. Both were evaluated against the independent, high
resolution DEM.
Two InSAR processes were performed for each InSAR pair: the
first process had no GCPs applied and the second process had
10 GCPs applied. Figure 4 displays the subsets of InSAR DEM
with and without GCPs applied.
Figure 2 SRTM 3” DEM overlaying Indiana counties
The “truth DEM” was produced from the “Indiana 2005
Statewide Orthophotography Project”, which includes both
ortho imagery and a high resolution DEM (Orthophoto DEM).
The DEM has 5-foot (~1.5m) post spacing and 6-foot (~1.8m)
vertical accuracy at 95% confidence level. (Figure 3)