Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
Yang Ming, Xiuxiao Yuan 601 
Application and Accuracy Evaluation of Leica ADS40 for Large Scale Mapping 
Wenyuan Hu, Gengyin Yang, Hui Yuan 605 
Geometric Accuracy Investigation of Vexcel UltracamD 
Kikuo Tachibana, Michael Gruber, Hideki Shimamura 611 
Theoretical Accuracy of Direct Georeferencing with Position and Orientation System in Aerial 
Xiuxiao Yuan, Xueping Zhang 617 
Calibration and Validation of Aerial Photogrammetric Systems Which Utilize Solar Images for Determining 
Aerial Camera Tilt Angles 
U. Ethrog, G. Even-Tzur. 623 
Geometric Accuracy Assessment of ADS40 Imagery under Various Network Configurations 
V. Casella, M. Franzini, S. Kocaman, A. Gruen 627 
Establishing a Camera-IMU Calibration Procedure for the Spanish National Ortophoto Program 
D.A. Nafria, B. Arias, V. Blanco, 0.0. Rodriguez, M. Blanco, F.J. Antolln, J. Gomez 633 
The Design and Realization of Large Plane Colour CCD Digital Aerial Camera System 
WU Yundong, WANG Zhongxun, WANG Hui 639 
Actualize of Low Altitude Large Scale Aerophotography and Geodesic base on Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial 
Vehicle Platform 
Baoping Li, Xinpu Sheng, Zhiyu Xia, Chengwen E, Bing Li 643 
Geometric Analysis of Vexcel Imaging UltraCam x Test flights 
U. Mansholt, R. Ladstaedter 647 
Stochastic Modeling and Triangulation for an Airborne Three Line Scanner 
W. Jung, J. S. Bethel 653 
Twice-Imaging Airborne Camera System with Distributed Sensors 
S. H. Zhao, L. Yan, X. H. Duan, Y. K. Wu, T. T. Shen, M. D. Su 657 
Key Technologies Research Based on SWDC Aerial Photogrammetric Camera Flight Management System 
Lu Xiaoping, Li Tianzi, Ji Wenjie 661 
UltraCamX, The Large Format Digital Aerial Camera System by Vexcel Imaging / Microsoft 
Michael Gruber, Martin Ponticelli, Stefan Bemogger, Franz Leberl. 665 
Aerial Triangulation of Digital Aerial Imagery Using Hybrid Features 
F. Samadzadegan, P. Ramzi, Iran, T. Schenk 671 
Digital Cameras for a Photogrammetric Production Environment: a Test of the Geometric Stability and 
0. Kissiyar, T. Vanderstraete, R. Kroon, B. Verbeke 677 
Radiometric and Geometric Evaluation of the Capabilities of the New Airborne Didigital Photogrammetric 
D. Emmolo, P. Orlando, B. Villa 681 
New Developments on Pushbroom Sensors 
Daniel Bachofen, Werner Kirchhofer, Tauno Saks, Patrick Steinmann, Huangqi Sun, Lukas Vonblon, Ruedi 
Wagner, Felix Zuberbuhler. 687 
Research of Producing and Managing Topographic Mapping and Building Data in One System Harmoniously 
Zhao libin, Xie lurong, Guo xincheng 691 
The Interior and Exterior Calibration for Ultracamd 
K. S. Qtaishat, M. J. Smith, D.W. G. Park 695

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