Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
after transforming An.2 into An(I — R 2 ), the joint density may 
be given in its final form 2 
p (An. A22, R 2 ) 
, ( PVE^Eri a„a 22 r 2 \ 
oFi r i-p 2 rcvT-) 
'S22 A22 + Sji 1 
I-P 2 
n pn \I- R 2 | n - p |AiiA 22 | n ~ <? 
|S| n fq(n - q)f q (n)T q (q) 
Here, P 2 = Si 2 E^ 1 1 E^ 2 1 E 2 i, 0-Ft is the complex hyperge 
ometric function of matrix argument, and f q (n) is a complex 
gamma function 
t q (n) = TT q( ' q 1)/2 PJ T(n — i + 1). (4) 
It is clear that (3) is valid for 0 < P 2 < I, which means that 
both |P| and |I — P 2 1 are positive definitive. When Si 2 = 0, 
then An, A 22 and R are independent. As shown in (3) and well- 
known from SAR literature, unbiased characterization of tempo 
ral data is related to unbiased estimate of coherence (P R) 
and speckle free data (Sn <-» An). 
2.2 Derivation of the joint density of temporal eigenvalues 
Theorem I (James, A.T., 1964): If p(A)(dA) is the pdf of a 
Hermitian complex matrix variate A, then the distribution of the 
diagonal matrix W of the latent roots of A, A — UWU\ is 
r ra(m — 1) m 
/ p(UWU')(dU) , / N TT(^ - w j) 2 dwi....dwm- 
J U (m) Г m(m) 
Here, it is important to note that after applying the theorem 1 
into (5), the matrix P still remain in the joint eigenvalue distribu 
tion. However, it is difficult to foresee the behavior of the density 
function or to understand how the eigenvalues interact with each 
other in the presence of the matrix P. It makes sense to make 
the change of variables Li = HE^ 2 and L 2 = QE2 2 1/2 with 
Jacobians ISnl* and |E 22 | 9 to make the matrix P 2 diagonal. It 
turns out that 
P = E“ 1/2 Si 2 S 22 1/2 = H t PQ 
H G O(q), Q G O(q) 
O : orthonormal group 
where P 2 is a diagonal matrix consisting of square of canonical 
correlation coefficients (1 > p 2 > ... > p q > 0). For the de 
tailed analysis about canonical correlation coefficients, we refer 
to (Muirhead, 1982) 3 . 
P = 
pi • • • 0 
. 0 • • ■ Pq 
While statistical aspects concerning Wishart matrices have been 
well developed, there seem to be little work on the eigenvalue 
statistics of correlated Wishart process over time. Although in 
(Smith and Grath, 2007) and (Kuo et al., 2007) the joint density 
of the eigenvalues of correlated Wishart has been derived, both 
analysis has been performed based on the assumption that co- 
variance matrices (Sn) are unitary and the correlation between 
random complex variants are the same (P = pi). However, this 
is a too restrictive assumption for the polarimetrie case, since in a 
general scattering scenario the covariance matrix of polarimetrie 
data is no more unitary, and each polarimetrie channel has arbi 
trary correlations ^P = Sj‘ 1 1/2 Si 2 S2 2 1/2 y Due to this missing 
analysis, the joint distribution of eigenvalues of temporal polari 
metrie images is derived in this section. The main aim of the 
analysis of the joint eigenvalue distribution is to study the tem 
poral behavior of different scattering mechanism. In addition to 
characterization of different scattering mechanism, investigation 
of the dimension reduction is the second objective of this analy 
To obtain the joint distribution of eigenvalues of correlated Wishart 
matrices, firstly the correlation parameter R must be integrated 
from (3). Accordingly, applying the theorem 7.2.10 in (Muir 
head, 1982) to (3) follows that 
P (An, A 22 ) 
p („ n 2 P 2 Sp An Е^Аи 
oFl ("'—I-P 2 I-P 2 
etr (—nE^.iA 22 )efr (-nE“ 1 
n pn| I _p2|nq| An |n —д|д 22 | 
|Ell.2| n |E¡ 22 .l| n f q(n)f q(n) 
n — 
Then, making the transformations An = UjWiU|, A 22 = 
U 2 W 2 U.2 and integrating (5) with respect to dUi and dU 2 over 
the orthogonal group 0(q), the joint distributions can be obtained 
via following theorem, 
2 The proof of this distribution for the real case can be found in (Muir 
head, 1982) and (Lliopoulos, 2006). 
Considering (6) and (7) into (5), p(Ai, A 2 , A3, A",A 2 , A3) = 
p(Wi, W2) results 
П?<Л(М-^) 2 (А{'-лу) 3 } 
7 r<J(l-9)fq(n) 2 n?(l-p?) n 
ex p -Ей 
(i-p\) lí'G-p?) 
x , x „\n-q 
Л i 1 L 
П?<Л<‘Т 1 - 1 7 1 > 3 < 1 
) 2 } 
Ï I 0 Fi (n,EÜTÜ^dÜ 
where E and T indicate the matrix parameters of hypergeometric 
function in (5) and A', A", and 1” for i = 1, ...,q denote the 
eigenvalues of An, A 22 , En and S 22 respectively. Here, it can 
be noted that U = U\U2 and (dU) = (dUi) over U E 0(q). 
Using the relation (James, A.T., 1964) 
[ p F q (sÜTÜ')dÜ = p F q (E,r), 
J U (n) 4 ' 
the integration part in (8) has been solved. Despite the joint dis 
tribution has been derived, it is expressed in terms of an infinite 
series (hypergeometric functions) that makes the analysis of the 
distribution hard. However, hypergeometric functions of matrix 
arguments can be expressed in terms of the matrix eigenvalues 
using Zonal Polynomials (Muirhead, 1982). For the specific case 
of (10), 0 Fi(.,.), the closed form of the hypergeometric fuction 
exits, and it is given by (Gross and Richards, 1989) 
oFi(n,s,t) = 
riwriw A t ,n-M2 \в[ я - п)/2 1„^(гущ 
тгя(я-1) J-i k 
i<J ' 
Related to this expression, (8) can be solved without the need of 
zonal polynomials. 
3 In (Muirhead, 1982), only real differential forms have been consid 
ered. However, the theorems have been extended to the complex case 
after some algebra, e.g. (dz) = dTZ {z} AdX {2} where A, 72 and I 
indicate exterior products, real and imaginary parts of the variates respec 

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