Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
full oscillating cycles, each cycle consisting of two scan lines 
(Figure 2b). In other words, an oscillating mirror at 100 Hz scan 
frequency generates 200 scan lines on the ground. Not knowing 
this quantitative difference when comparing distinct scanners 
with the “same” scan frequency may lead to misinterpretation 
of system capabilities and miscalculation of point spacing for a 
survey mission. 
Scan field of view (FOV) versus scan rate (or scan 
frequency): In the case of an oscillating mirror, two 
parameters—maximum scan rate and maximum scan angle— 
are not only interrelated but also inversely proportional to each 
other. Their product determines the maximum scanner velocity 
that a particular scanner can practically achieve, characterized 
by the maximum scan product (SP). The maximum SP 
represents the real physical limitation of an oscillating mirror 
scanner and, in combination with the scan pattern driving signal, 
determines the maximum load allowed for the scanner. Since 
the maximum SP characterizes the maximum achievable 
scanner velocity and simultaneously accounts for both the 
highest scan rate and the maximum scan FOV, it also 
determines the maximum possible area coverage rate for a lidar 
It was shown (Ussyshkin et al., 2008b) that the maximum scan 
rate (or frequency) available for a particular lidar system may 
have limited practical advantage if the maximum scan angle 
available at this scan rate reduces the scanner FOV to 
impractical limits. On the other hand, given an equivalent scan 
pattern, a higher SP indicates a wider scan FOV available for 
the maximum scan rate and consequently a scanner that can 
operate at a higher scanner velocity to complete the job faster. 
However, lidar system users should remember that SP values 
calculated for different types of scan patterns are derived 
dissimilarly and should never be compared directly as 
In summary, for any type of oscillating mirror, regardless of 
scan driving signal differences, the maximum scan rate (that is, 
frequency) is always linked to the maximum scan angle 
available for this frequency. That is why the seeming advantage 
of large numbers on the specification sheet may not equate to 
any actual benefit, and users should always examine the 
numbers by considering real operational scenarios and practical 
Of particular importance are numbers on a specification sheet 
characterizing lidar data accuracy. These numbers represent one 
of the most important system specifications. However, these 
numbers can be very misleading, if the context of the reference 
conditions and deriving methodologies are not taken into 
account. While instrument accuracy specifications are provided 
by the manufacturers, translating the specification numbers to 
real-world achievable accuracy is a challenge usually left to the 
end user, and it has long been a subject of different 
interpretations (Ussyshkin et al., 2006a). Moreover, without 
widely accepted guidelines for deriving accuracy numbers, lidar 
system manufacturers typically use different methodologies for 
accuracy specifications. 
Owing to the nature of lidar data collection, many factors affect 
the real-world accuracy of lidar data, including extreme 
operational parameters (such as a very wide scan FOV and very 
high flying altitudes), strong variations in the target physical 
properties (such as size, slope, and reflectivity), and so forth. 
While some of these factors may be defined and described on a 
specification sheet, not all of them can be accounted for even in 
the most detailed document, and that is why the impact of some 
of these factors on data accuracy is sometimes either ignored or 
underestimated. However, it is very important for the user to 
estimate the influence of these factors on achievable data 
accuracy. We will give several examples showing the 
relationships between unexpected or underestimated factors and 
their impact on lidar data accuracy. 
3.1 Dynamic Range of Intensities and Data Accuracy 
Though usually interpreted as essential to intensity data and 
image quality, the dynamic range of intensity that a lidar system 
can accommodate (also known as the “intensity digitization 
specification”) may be extremely important for the achievable 
range data accuracy in surveys where strong variations in the 
returned signal are expected due to the highly variable 
reflective properties of the terrain and/or the size and shape of 
the objects on the ground (Ussyshkin et al., 2007). Examples of 
such surveys are corridor projects over highways covered by 
dark asphalt with white painting on top, or power transmission 
line corridors where the signal strength from thin wires is very 
weak compared to that from the ground. In these cases, if the 
receiver’s dynamic range is limited and cannot accommodate a 
wide range of signals, weak signals could be lost, or strong 
signals could saturate the receiver, consequently compromising 
range data accuracy ( 
Figure 4). Range data accuracy may even worsen when small- 
size surveyed targets are suspended over terrains with highly 
variable reflective properties (black/white roads or 
Figure 4. Simplified illustration of a possible error due to 
limited dynamic range of the lidar receiver: If the signal 
variations exceed the receiver’s signal dynamic range, range 
measurement accuracy may be compromised. 
On the other hand, lidar system manufacturers typically 
characterize lidar performance for the most general case of 
targets: that is, flat open terrain with uniform reflective and 
physical properties and no strong signal variations within a 
single mission. Thus, the accuracy numbers presented on a 
system specification sheet may be inapplicable to many real-life 
operating scenarios in which strong signal variations occurring 
on a microsecond time scale may challenge the lidar receiver’s 
dynamic range.

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