Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
the equation (5), the linearized form of equation (5) is given in 
Bx + Av+w- 0 (7) 
where B is partial matrix with respect to unknowns, namely the 
calibration parameters; A is partial matrix with respect to observations; 
X is vector of unknowns; V is the vector of residuals; W is the 
misclosure vector, i.e. the equation (5) evaluated at current estimate of 
the parameters and observations 
The solution of equation (7) is adopted by the traditional 
approach of least-squares adjustment. Namely, the sum of 
weighted squares of the residuals reaches minimization. 
Following standard procedures, the resulting final form of the 
normal equations used herein is: 
x = (B T (AC„A T y l By 1 B T (AC vv A T y l w (8) 
i2 (Av) T (AC m A T y'(Av) 
a o = 
D ii =âfB T (AC m A T )- , By' 
where o\ the variance component; C vv the covariance matrix 
of observation; n the number of target laser points; m the 
number of unknowns. 
3.3 Surface Extraction 
For the strip adjustment, surfaces are the natural candidates to 
be used. The selecting areas are suitable for the adjustment and 
improve the estimation of the parameters. For the effect of 
noise on the surface parameters, artifacts are introduced into 
the observation. The surface model is, therefore, used in the 
form a surface constraint in equation (3). Interesting surfaces 
and regions can be determined by a least-squares plane fit 
through a subset of laser points. The extraction procedure that 
is used herein is based on minimizing the weighted quadratic 
sum of the distances of the laser points to the plane (Lee, 
Schenk 2001). 
The standard deviation of unit weight <jq can, therefore, be 
interpreted as the standard deviation cr D of the shortest distance 
of a point to the plane. The plane is accepted if ct 0 is smaller 
than, or equals, a threshold. Experience shows that most of 
significant surface have a std. small than 15 cm. The threshold 
is the average standard deviation of the distances to the plane 
computed by error propagation from the standard deviations of 
the laser point positions tested for the plane fit. For a horizontal 
plane it is just a function of the z-components, and thus 
influenced only by the accuracy in z. The steeper the slope of 
the plane, however, the greater will be the effect of the x and y 
planimetric components. If a plane is accepted, the neighboring 
points are tested statistically for the fit to the plane. If the fitting 
error remains smaller than the given threshold, the points are 
used to update the plane parameters using sequential 
least-squares. Figure 6 to 7 show examples for extracting 
In Fig.6, red points represent the each planes of the building. In 
Fig.7, the central region is extracted as well as, but don’t split 
up the bottom plane. 
Figure 6. Points of extracted slope surface for a building 
Figure 7. Points of one flattop plane 
4.1 Laboratory experiment 
Range biases and scan angle biases as mentioned in section 2 
result to non-linear effect to the laser points position. The 
precision of range and scan angle for single laser point is 
analysed by laboratory experiment will help in reducing the 
effect and improving the performance of the ALS. The proposal 
method here repeats range measurement aiming to the same 
target through fixing the scan mirror. Rate of the laser 
instrument and scan mirror respectively are 35 kHz and 25 Hz. 
We select nine targets to test. 1355 point samples extracted 
from whole laser point sets are analysed statistically for each 
target. The specific details about the result of range are listed in 
Table 1 with R max maximum range value, R m i„ minimum 
range value, R mean mean range value, and STDr standard 
deviations of range. Range resolved measurement precision is 
the standard deviation in the measured range data about the 
mean measured value.The corresponding shape of range

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