Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part BI. Beijing 2008 
3.1 Self-Calibration Method 
Self-calibration is defined as the functional extension of the 
Collinearity equations. Different two-dimensional additional 
parameter (AP) models (physical, geometrical, or combinations 
of both) are used for expressing the unaccounted systematic 
distortions. However, there are certain problems with the self 
calibration method: 
■ Treatment of additional parameters as block or photo 
invariants or combinations of both 
■ Operational problems; that is, the total strategy of 
assessing blunders, errors in control points, and systematic 
■ The determinability checking of APs; that is, excluding 
indeterminable APs from the system 
■ Significance testing of APs. 
Each one of the above issues requires careful evaluation and 
proper use of the APs. The successful solution of the normal 
equations of the self-calibrating bundle adjustment is governed 
by the extent of the correlation between the unknown 
parameters (AP coefficients, exterior orientation (EO) 
parameters, and object coordinates). If any two parameters, for 
instance, are highly correlated, both tend to perform the same 
function. In such a case, one or the other can be suppressed 
without losing much information. Therefore, it is very 
important to study the correlation structure of unknown 
parameters and to check the determinability of APs. 
Self-calibration APs compensate for the remaining distortion in 
both object space and image space of a single camera. The 
DMC has 4 physical PAN sensors; therefore, only a 4-quadrant 
self-calibration of VIR imagery may become truly effective 
(Kruck, 2006, Riesinger, 2006, Honkavaara, 2006, Jacobsen, 
2007). However, the only purpose of such self-calibration is to 
“unbend” the block during triangulation. For the sake of better 
accuracy in object space, self-calibration may significantly 
overcompensate the actual distortion in image space at the 
frame edges. Also, it is very dependent on given object space 
distortions. Therefore, under no circumstances should such 
correction function be used in post-orientation math or applied 
directly to VIR production. A reason for such 
overcompensation is that the polynomial model has been 
derived to effectively compensate systematic distortions in 
areas concentrated around so-called Von Gruber centers or 
similar arrangements in camera frame format. 
This approach is useful when there is no precise GPS data and 
no significant redundancy of image observations for sufficiently 
dense grid computing is available. However, due to stiffness of 
polynomial models, the resulting correction grid may have 
significant overcompensation at the edges of the image frame, 
which prevents the creation of a reliable ortho mosaic. When 
self-calibration bundle adjustment is performed for the DMC, 
the obtained EO can directly be used in the real-time math 
models of almost any softcopy system without any extra on-the- 
fly corrections, because the amount of image distortion itself 
that directly propagates into the object space is much smaller 
than the block bending caused by EO shift in Z. So, once good 
EOs are obtained, the extra correction in image space is not 
necessary. However, to ensure decorrelation of the obtained EO 
from self-calibration parameters, a compensating single photo 
resection on the densified triangulation (obtained in self 
calibration bundle adjustment) is recommended. Once a self 
calibrating bundle adjustment is performed, the obtained 
triangulation is densified into control and the self-calibration 
model itself is discarded. The following single photo resection 
estimates the best EO that fits the image to the ground. 
Unfortunately, not all photogrammetric organizations have 
appropriate bundle adjustment programs and technical staffs to 
perform such self-calibrating aerial triangulations. Furthermore, 
some DMC users only deliver virtual images to their customers, 
and they do not process or get into any photogrammetric 
applications. Therefore, a better and simpler procedure is 
needed to allow DMC owners to produce almost “distortion- 
free” virtual images. 
3.2 Correction Grid by Collocation Method 
This method does not really belong to the camera calibration 
methods mentioned above. In this method, some a posteriori 
interpolation treatment is performed on the image residuals of a 
bundle block adjustment. Calculated mean image residuals then 
serve as correction values at the interpolation points of the grid. 
The correction grid is able to remove the systematic errors in 
the image plane that could not be computed or modelled by APs 
in a self-calibration bundle adjustment. This correction grid 
application works the same way as “Reseau” to refine image 
coordinates for the local systematic errors by bi-linear 
In order to create a reliable correction grid array with 
collocation techniques, a highly accurate ABGPS aerial 
photography of about 200 to 400 images having 60% forward 
overlap and 80% side overlap, with ground sample distance 
(GSD) of 5-10, 10-20, 20-40 cm, and with a reasonable number 
of well-distributed ground control points are required. At a 
minimum, a single grid at 10cm may be computed. 
A number of DMC blocks with different configurations are 
used for this study. General specifications of some of these 
blocks are given in Table 1. 
DMC ID (Project Name) 
Flying Height fm] 
GSD [cml 
% Forward Overlap 
% Side Overlap 
Number of Strips/Cross 
10/ 10 
Number of Images 
Number of Control Points 
Number of Check Points 
Control Std Devs (X, Y, 
Z) [cml 
2, 2,2 
GPS Std Devs (X, Y, Z) 
[ cm ] 
Table 1. Project specifications 
The procedure to create the correction grid by Collocation 
techniques is as follows:

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