Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
The lower limit of near-space is not only determined from 
operational considerations, being above controlled airspace, but 
meteorological one as well. The 20km altitude is above the 
troposphere, the atmosphere region where most weather occurs. 
There are no clouds, thunderstorms, or precipitation in near 
space. In fact, there is a region in near-space where average 
winds are less than 20 knots, with peak winds being less than 
45 knots for 95 percent of the time. 
4.2 Robust Survivability 
Near-space ffee-floaters are inherently survivable. They have 
extremely small RCS (radar cross section) making them 
relatively invulnerable to most traditional tracking and locating 
methods. Estimates of their RCS are as small as that of a bird 
(Tomme, 2005), and as a result currently documented radars are 
unable to find them. At this altitude the acquisition and tracking 
will be technical challenges even without considering what sort 
of weapon could reach them since few weapons are designed to 
engage a target with very low RCS. Even if the acquisition and 
location problems are overcome, near-space assets are still 
difficult to be destroyed. The way they are manufactured has a 
lot to do with them relative invulnerability. Near-space ffee- 
floaters can be manufactured in two basic types: super-pressure 
and zero-pressure. Super-pressure ones are inflated and sealed, 
much like a child’s toy helium balloon. Zero-pressure ones 
have venting system that ensures the pressure inside the balloon 
is same as the surrounding atmosphere. The second kind is less 
vulnerable to puncture. Imaging an inflated, lightweight plastic 
garment bag floating on the wind; even if there are many small 
holes in such a bag, it still can float in the air for a long time. 
4.3 Bistatic Observation 
Bistatic observation can provide many specific advantages, like 
the exploitation of additional bistatic information (Kuang and 
Jin, 2007), reduced vulnerability in military systems(Wang and 
Cai, 2007b), and improved detection capability of slowly 
moving targets (Li, et al., 2007). Objects detection in 
heterogeneous environments, e.g., homeland security, will 
further take advantage of reduced retro-reflector effects 
(Fernandez, et al., 2006). The segmentation and classification 
of natural surface and volume scatterers are alleviated by 
comparing the spatial statistics of mono- and bistatic scattering 
coefficients. Bistatic observations may also increase the RCS of 
manmade objects and/or the sensitivity to specific scattering 
centres of objects composites. Furthermore, bistatic observation 
in a forward scattering geometry have also great potential for 
systematic vegetation monitoring. Homeland monitoring will 
take advantage of the specular coherent reflection, which 
enables more sensitive object estimates over a wider dynamic 
range with lower saturation. 
4.4 Low Cost 
When cost is the concern, near-space has no peer. Their 
inherent simplicity, recoverability, relative lack of requirement 
for complex infrastructure, and lack of space-hardening 
requirements all contribute to this strong advantage for assets. 
Requiring only helium for lift, near-space platforms do not 
require expensive space launch to reach altitude. If the payloads 
they carried have malfunction, they can be brought back down 
and repaired. When they become obsolete, they can be easily 
replaced. Not being exposed to the high levels of radiation 
common to the space environment, payloads flown in near 
space require no costly space-hardening manufacture. 
Additionally, operating in near-space obviously eliminates a 
great deal of expense involved in space sensor construction. 
The infrastructure cost savings involved with near-space are 
huge. Near-space platforms require extremely minimal launch 
infrastructure. Only a simple tie-down and an empty fielded are 
required, but a space-launch complex or even a hard-surface 
runway must be built for satellites and airplanes. 
5.1 Synchronization Techniques 
The near-space remote sensing discussed in this paper is a 
bistatic configuration, it is subject to the problems and special 
requirements that are either not encountered or encountered in 
less serious form for current monostatic SAR systems. The 
biggest challenge lies in the synchronization between the near 
space receiver and the GNSS satellites: phase synchronization, 
the near-space receiver and the GNSS satellites must be 
coherent over extremely long periods of time; spatial 
synchronization, the near-space receiving antenna and the 
GNSS transmitting antennas must simultaneously illuminate the 
same spot on the ground. 
There is no cancellation of low-frequency phase noise as in a 
monostatic radar, where the same oscillator is used for 
modulation and demodulation. We can express the synchroniz 
ation errors as 
A T 
A = ¡Mf.-fX' (12) 
where f and f r denote the GNSS transmit carrier frequency and near 
space receive demodulation frequency, respectively, AT is the 
integrated time and should be greater than one aperture time. A 
typical requirement for the maximum tolerable ISLR 
(integrated sidelobe ratio) is -20dB. Unfortunately, the phase 
synchronization errors are usually random and too complex to 
apply autofocus algorithms. 
As shown in Fig. 4 for four point targets, it is evident that 
oscillator phase noise may not only defocus the radar image, 
but also introduce significant positioning errors along the scene 
extension, so some synchronization technique or compensation 
algorithms must be applied. One possible solution is the direct- 
path signal based synchronization technique (Wang, et al., 
2008). However notice that, although the feasibility of general 
bistatic radar concept was already demonstrated by 
experimental investigations, the synchronization including time, 
spatial and phase is still the primary impediment to current 
bistatic radar development in general, not only to the near-space 
passive bistatic radar discussed in this paper.

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