The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008
which are the ones required by the IACS regulation. Farmers’
agricultural parcels are mostly fragmented, in most cases small
in size and scattered. Agricultural parcels are easy to identify
crop pattern during the LPIS creation and also easy to be
identified by the farmers. However agricultural parcel as
reference parcel have one big disadvantage, it is very expensive
to keep updated records in the database, because they may
change annually. Physical blocks are easy to create without
farmers input at the beginning.
parcel. Herein, declared parcel’s boundaries precisely digitised
and spatial data of the declared parcels linked with the attributes.
Declaration phase shall be completely supported by the Turkish
IACS Software of which a demo version exists at the moment.
All changes and new parcels shall be entered directly to the
database. Software shall enable easy access to details of
problematic parcels. When all parcels and information are
checked, and all data shall be updated.
Based on the facts and examination of orthoimages, physical
block decided to be used as reference parcel for primary
digitalization and creating the geodatabase of eligible land.
3.3. Digitalization of Reference Parcel and Creation of LPIS
LPIS data established in accordance to some basic requirements;
first is database homogeneity which defines the continuous
projection of parcels without overlaps and artificial division. So
a single, continuous cartographic representation has to be used
for the entire system. Second requirement is the use of a
geographic information system (GIS) for management of LPIS
data which exludes the use of non-digital maps. Orthoimages as
background for acquiring parcel-related geographic information
are used while the minimum precision of the database has to
meet cartographic standards guaranteeing accuracy at least
1:10.000 scale.
To proceed successful with creation of LPIS database, it is
necessary to prepare and draft a photo interpretation guideline,
containing description of the basic reference unit for
digitalization, photo interpretation and digitalization rules.
Computer aided photo interpretation (CAPI) method is used for
digitalization or already existing update of landscape features
based on visual interpretation of VHR satellite orthoimages.
The digitalization process take into account the temporal
stability of landscape elements divided into categories with
different level of temporality and priority during the building of
physical blocks.
After all digitalization results went in to the quality control and
were repaired and accepted, the final data processing, preparing
of the database structure and the filling in of the attributes was
done in ArcGIS environment
3.4. Establishment of the Link with Farmers
The main objective of establishing the link with a selected
sample of farmers in the two pilot zones Tekirdag and Agn was
to test the usefulness and effectiveness of using orthophotos and
the LPIS database to locate and define the boundaries of the
current year’s agricultural parcels used by the farmers. Herein,
personal data (alpha-numeric) of the farmers were updated and
the data about used agricultural parcels (both numeric and
spatial) recorded. Number of farmers for which a link should be
established was defined to be 500 per province.
Digital data which includes supplementary background
information directly accessible in GIS environment such as
orthophoto, topo-names and features etc., helped consultants
and farmers to find and identify in an easy way the used
agricultural parcels. Also the boundaries of the reference parcel
and the indication of maximum eligible area per reference
parcel (herein physical block) prepared beforehand in order to
enable the farmer to indicate the location of each agricultural
3.5. Digitalization of Agricultural Parcel
The consultation data were obtained from the field and included
the farmer ID and the parcel ID information in addition to the
vectors describing the parcels of the farmers. The farmer and
parcel information in the consultation data was copied to the
agricultural parcels layer using the “spatial join” tool of
Fig 2 Example of consultation vectors converted to point and overlaid
with agricultural parcels
3.6. Use of data for On the Spot Checks (OTSC)
According to EU regulations in general at least 5% of the total
submitted aid application of the farmers has to be checked every
year with on the spot visits (general inspection of the parcel,
area measurements, etc). On-the-spot checks consist of two
parts; the first of which relates to verifications and
measurements of declared agricultural parcels via remote
sensing techniques (cross-check of graphic material, satellite
imagery) This part is called as Control with Remote Sensing
(CwRS). During CwRS, up-to-date time series of HR or VHR
satellite images shall be used. Within the frame of the project,
Ikonos sensor’s lmC (2007 images for different seasons) are
used in VHR segment and SPOT-2 sensor’s 20mC (2007
August archive) used in HR segment. Parcels having a
difference of its declared and measured areas on the ortho
images above a specified threshold shall be controlled within
this scope. Multi temporal analysis based on radiometric level
will reflect the discrepancy either in the form of spatial
deviation (surface area difference) or non-compliance in terms
of land-use check (crop type, inclusion of ineligible land-use
type etc..).