Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
monitoring of small places of interest with single images (ortho 
photos). These capabilities are also important for disaster 
response surveys which require quick data turnaround. The 
following overview addresses more or less exclusive 
application domains of medium format and competitive 
applications to large format cameras. 
For smaller aerial survey/remote sensing organisations, the 
medium-format alternative is changing the face of the industry, 
as an affordable technology that can deliver increased 
performance, a marked reduction in operating costs, and most 
importantly a digital product when it is most needed. 
The following detailed description and comparison includes 
five different digital medium format camera systems. The 
camera systems compared are: Applanix DSS 439, DigiCAM- 
H39, Leica RCD105, Rollei AIC and DiMAC. While all five 
camera systems use the same 39 Megapixel CCD-Chip, the 
systems differ greatly in many features, such as: 
• The possibility of dual or multi sensor head configuration 
• Optics and shutter speed 
• CIR option (special optics) 
• Min. exposure interval 
• External or internal data storage 
• Mount adapters for existing camera mounts 
• The availability of a FMC 
• Optional elements such as GPS/INS etc. 
• Image processing and radiometric calibration software 
The largest suppliers of medium format cameras are the 
Applanix DSS and the Rollei AIC camera. The DigiCAM for 
IGI is a smaller player along with the DIMAC system. The 
Leica RCD105 is a very new product in the market and 
specialised for the joint use with ALS 50 of Leica Geosystems, 
thus replacing the NexVue camera of Spectrum Mapping, LLC. 
As many of the medium format cameras are used together with 
a LIDAR-system, four suppliers of the cameras have been 
integrated with airborne LIDAR systems. 
7.1.1 Applanix DSS - 439 
The Applanix Digital Sensor Systems (DSS) consist of 
completely integrated medium-sized digital camera, the 
Applanix POS/AV 410 GPS/inertial system and a flight- 
management system software for generating orthomosaics, 
Applanix, 2008. POS AV provides the exterior orientation 
parameters in both real-time and post-mission mode. An active 
azimuth mount control automatically removes the aircraft drift 
angles based on real-time POS/AV navigation data. The active 
mount allows for flights in a rough environment and the 
generation of systematic block pattern. Although primarily used 
to generate high-resolution colour and colour infrared digital 
ortho-photos/mosaics by direct georeferencing and an existing 
DEM, the system also supports full stereo imagery for DEM 
extraction and visualisation. GSD ranges from 3.3 cm to 1.0 m, 
depending on platform and using 40 mm or 60 mm lenses. The 
DSS system can be flown in small, single engine aircrafts, ultra 
light aircrafts or helicopters, Applanix, 2008. 
7.1.2 Rollei AIC 
The Aerial Industrial Camera (AIC) series from RolleiMetric is 
designed for aerial and industrial purposes, Rollei, 2008. The 
22MP or 39MP digital backs from PhaseOne are rigidly fixed to 
the aluminium camera body. Everything is optimised for 
photogrammetric use, with interchangeable lenses and stabilised 
bayonet. The focal lengths of the medium format lenses range 
from 35 mm to 150 mm. The maximum shutter speed is 1/1,000 
second, enabling a minimum GSD of 5 - 10 cm, depending 
upon the speed of the aircraft. Filter change allows acquisition 
of images in RGB, NIR and CIR. For the 39 MP sensor the pro 
lenses, especially designed for digital-camera sensors and small 
pixel size, are necessary. The camera control is done either by a 
PC or a PDA. Interfaces with IMU/GPS systems and flight 
management systems are given. The image data of the camera 
may be stored on board by a 8 GB CF-memory card, holding up 
to 200 images or transferred via firewire to a PC. The new AIC 
xN architecture allows joint fitting of up to eight standard AICs 
in one frame, using electronic boards for accurate 
synchronisation. All AIC’s are in full communication with each 
other. Depending on desired overlap, the footprint may cover 
up to 13,000 x 10,000 pixels. 
7.1.3 DigiCAM-H39 
The DigiCAM from IGI is a very compact camera weighting 
1.7 kg (without lens). The system combines modified 
professional digital cameras (Hasselblad) with a graphical user 
interface for real-time preview together with the 
CCNS/AEROcontrol. The Camera settings are adjusted on an 
8” TFT monitor. The CCNS4 triggers the system. 
Determination of exterior orientation parameters is done using 
the AEROcontrol GPS/IMU system. Along with the camera, 
each of the two 100 GB storage units onboard can store up to 
1,800 raw images and be exchanged during flight to extend 
storage capacity. Standard units may be replaced for high- 
altitude flights by flash memory units with 1,150 image 
capacity. The focal lengths of the available lenses range from 
28 mm to 300 mm. The modular design enables a quick change 
from RGB mode to CIR. The maximum exposure interval is 1.9 
s, IGI, 2008. Two DigiCAMs can be coupled either to increase 
image size or allow for faster flying speed. The IGI mount hosts 
up to two synchronized cameras and the adapter fits into most 
common mounts. 
7.1.4 DiMAC - (Digital Modular Aerial Camera) 
The DiMAC system (Digital Modular Aerial Camera, produced 
by Aerophoto in Bergem, Luxembourg, uses single and 
multiple camera units. Each camera of the DiMAC system 
acquires one RGB or one near infrared image through one lens. 
The lens may be one of three focal lengths: 55mm, 80mm or 
120mm. GSD ranges from 2 cm to 1 m. The camera cylindrical 
frame allows for combining up to four camera modules. If two 
cameras are placed here they create a RGB image of slightly 
less than twice 5,412 pixels (10,500 pixels) by 7,200 pixels. 
Two additional cameras may be placed in the vacant holes, 
resulting in an image of 10,500 by 14,400 pixels. Another 
configuration is formed by adding a near infrared camera in one 
camera mount covering the same area as the other one in the 
other camera mount, or by placing a 5 5-mm near infrared 
camera in camera mount 1 covering the same area as camera 
mount 2 and camera mount 3 together (Dimac, 2008).

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