Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part BI. Beijing 2008 
to obtain accurate EO parameters of images is by automatic 
triangulation (AT). However, most commercial AT software 
cannot handle oblique images because of the nature of oblique 
images. A least squares method is proposed in this paper. In the 
proposed method, the differences between edges of the building 
façade extracted from the oblique image and the corresponding 
Figure 7. Projected building boundary on oblique image 
projected boundaries are used to estimate the corrections of EO 
parameters. The differences of x and y coordinates of end points 
of edges are used as observations given in formula (1) and the 
corrections of EO parameters are treated as unknowns. 
Ax,- = x,- - x,- 
Ay t =yi-y'i 
where: X,-, y t = coordinates of i‘ h end point on oblique image 
X,-, y j = coordinates of corresponding projected end point. 
The EO parameters from GPS/IMU are used as approximate 
values and their corréctions are computed by the least squares 
adjustment. Once the accurate EO parameters of the image are 
computed, the right image portion can be determined by 
projecting the building façade onto the oblique image with the 
corrected EO parameters and added to the 3D building model. 
Brenner, C. Haala, N. and Fritsch, D., 2001. Towards fully 
automated 3D city model generation. In: E. P. Baltsavias, A. 
Grün and L. V, Gool. eds., Automatic Extraction of Man-Made 
Objects from Aerial and Space Images (III). A.A. Balkema, 
Ascona, Switzerland, pp. 47-58. 
Cramer, M. 2004. Performance of Medium Format Digital 
Aerial Sensor Systems. In: the International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 35, 
Part B5, pp769-774. 
DIMAC 2008. http://www.dimacsystems.com. 
Fraser C. and Edmundson K., 2000. Design and Implication of a 
Computational Processing System for Off-Line Digital Close- 
Range Photogrammetry. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & 
Remote Sensing, 55(2) 94-104, 2000. 
Frueh, C., Sammon, R. and Zakhor, A., 2004. Automated 
texture Mapping of 3D City Models with Oblique Aerial 
Imagery. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on 
3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 
Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 396-403. 
Gülch, E., 1997. Application of Semi-Automatic Building 
Acquisition. In: A. Grün, E.P. Baltsavias, O. Henricsson, eds., 
Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and 
Space Images (II), Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 
Haala, N. and Hahn M., 1995. Data Fusion for the Detection 
and Reconstruction of Buildings. In: A. Grün, O. Kübler & P. 
Agouris, eds., Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from 
Aerial and Space Images, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 
Switzerland, pp. 211-220. 
Haala, N. and Brenner, C., 1997. Generation of 3D City Models 
from Airborne Laser Scanning Data. In: Proceeding of EARSEL 
Workshop on LIDAR remote sensing of land and sea, Tallinn, 
Henricsson, O., 1996. Analysis of Image Structures Using Color 
Attributes and Similarity Relations. PhD thesis, ETH, Zurich, 
Hinz, A., Dörstel C. and Heier H., 2001. DMC - The Digital 
Sensor Technology of Z/I -Imaging. In: the proceeding of 
Photogrammetric Week 0V, Eds. D. Fritsch and R. Spiller, 
Wichmann Verlag, pp. 93 - 103. 
In this paper, Pictometry's proprietary digital imaging system is 
introduced briefly and some issues in 3D city modeling using 
Pictometry's digital images are discussed. The unique feature of 
Pictometry's digital imaging system is that it produces both 
direct geo-referencing digital vertical and oblique images at one 
time. The vertical images can be used for photogrammetric 
mapping such as generation of accurate large scale digital 
orthophotos while oblique images can be utilized for other 
applications such as public safety, 3D city modeling, etc. In 3D 
city modeling, vertical images can be used to create building 
models or refine building models generated from LiDAR data 
and building textures can be created from oblique images. 
Hu, J., You, S. and Neumann, U., 2006. Integrating LiDAR, 
Aerial Image and Ground Images for Complete Urban Building 
Modeling. In: Proceedings of the Third International 
Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and 
Transmission (3DPVT'06, Chapel Hill, USA, pp. 184-191. 
Leberl, F., Gruber M., Ponticelli M., Bemoegger S. and Perko 
S., 2003. The Ultracam Large Format Aerial Digital Camera 
System, In: the Proceedings of the American Society for 
Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 5-9 May, 2003, Anchorage, 
Mostafa, M., 2003. Design and Performance of the DSS. In: the 
proceeding of Photogrammetric Week 03'. Ed. D Fritsch, pp. 

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