Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
RMSE X = 2.7 m 
RMSE y = 3.9 m 
RMSÉ h = 2.8 m 
ALOS-PRISM allows for a positional accuracy and density of 
information well compatible with mapping scale 1:25,000. The 
methodology proposed in this paper is capable of doing an 
image orientation nearly as good as what is achieved with 
standard GCPs. The main advantage is to avoid any field work 
for GCP collection. However the method still has to be tested 
with images of different areas, in different types of terrain in 
order to be completely validated. 
The method was applied to images of mode 1B2-R, which are 
not in original sensor geometry. This may limit the potential 
positional accuracy of ALOS-PRISM. Anyway the principle of 
orientation with a reference DEM surface can also be applied to 
images of modes 1A or 1B1, in original sensor geometry. In 
that case a rigorous sensor model would be used, doing 
adjustments in actual exterior orientation parameters, such as 
the sensor attitude angles. 
A limitation that can be pointed to this methodology of 
matching elevation data is that it does not work in flat areas. 
However it still works in areas with relatively small mean 
slopes, such as 5%. 
References from Journals: 
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Gruen, A., Kocaman, S., Wolff, K., 2007. Geometric Validation 
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To the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) and European Space 
Agency (ESA) for providing PRSIM images under ALOS 
ADEN proposal no. 3738. 
To the Portuguese Geographic Institute for providing the 
control DEM. 
SRTM data provided by NASA/NGA/USGS. 
References from Other Literature: 
Baudoin, A., M. Schroeder, C. Valorge, M. Bernard, V. 
Rudowski, 2004, The HRS-SAP initiative: A scientific 
assessment of the High Resolution Stereoscopic instrument on 
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