Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
the case of multispectral sensors. In the case of imaging sensors 
for the visible spectrum, there is now a wide range of light 
weight consumer cameras with weights of 150g or even less and 
with up to 10 MPixels or more. Unfortunately, these sensors 
also come with a number of features which have adverse effects 
on photogrammetric or remote sensing applications. These 
include limited optical quality, mostly zoom lenses, fully 
automatic focussing and image stabilisation which make the 
task of camera calibration very difficult. There are a number of 
operators providing remote sensing services for agriculture 
based on RGB imagery only. While this kind of imagery might 
provide valuable visual information to farmers, it is certainly 
not suitable to analytically assess vegetation properties due to 
the lack of information in the NIR band. 
Thermal Imaging - There has been a tremendous progress in the 
field of miniature thermal imaging sensors over the last few 
years resulting in commercially available thermal imaging 
sensors with weights in the order of 120g (FLIR Systems, 2005). 
This development was influenced by miniature UAV 
technologies and was mainly driven by military applications 
such as remote reconnaissance (Kostrzewa et al., 2003) and by 
applications in the domain of disaster monitoring, namely forest 
fires (Rufino and Moccia, 2005), (Esposito et al., 2006). 
Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging - The development of 
sensors for acquiring high-quality, co-registered multi-channel 
imagery in the visible and in the Near Infrared (NIR) bands 
poses a number of challenges in terms of optics, sensors, sensor 
control and calibration. In their recent overview on airborne 
digital imaging technologies (Petrie & Walker, 2007) identify 
four different concepts for producing multi-channel imagery 
with small-format airborne digital cameras. Among them are 
single lens solutions with specialised mosaic filters, multiple 
arrays, or beam splitters or with solutions based on multiple 
cameras. Among the lightest multispectral camera systems 
available are the DigiCAM-H39 (IGI, 2007) with a CIR option 
and a total weight of approx. 5 kg and Tetracam's recently 
released Multichannel Camera MCA4 with approx. 1.8 kg and 
ADC2 with approx. 500 g. The latter sensor appears promising 
for operations on mini or even micro UAV, however, the 
quoted interval of 12 seconds between two individual images 
would only permit stationary image acquisition. 
Noteworthy investigations by (Rufino and Moccia, 2005) or 
(Johnson et al., 2003) create a hyperspectral line sensor by 
combining a monochromatic camera with a spectrograph and 
attempt to use it on UAVs. However, it remains questionable, if 
and how such line sensors can satisfactorily be used on mini or 
micro UAVs with their relative low attitude determination 
capability and the lack of payload stabilisation. 
1.4 The MSMS Project 
The Institute of Geomatics Engineering at the University of 
Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) has been 
active in the research of UAV-based applications on the one 
hand and remote sensing on the other for several years. The 
MSMS (MultiSpectralMicroSensor) project was launched in 
early 2006 for researching technologies and applications 
pertaining to UAV-based ultra high-resolution remote sensing 
in agriculture. The applied research project unites scientists and 
professionals from the fields of geomatics, electronics, 
agronomical research and UAV technologies. The goal of the 
first two project phases presented below, was first to investigate 
the feasibility of remote sensing applications based on mini or 
even micro UAVs including the suitability and validity of 
processing methods and second to develop a prototype low- 
weight multispectral sensor as a key component of a flexible 
and easy-to-operate low-cost remote sensing system for 
extracting plant state variables. 
1.5 Field Tests Site 
The results of each of the two project phases were evaluated by 
flight campaigns at the agronomical R&D plant of Syngenta 
Crop Protection AG in Stein (Canton AG, Switzerland). The 
test site is located in the northwest part of Switzerland, near the 
German border. At the field test site agrochemical substances 
and products are applied to various plant species and crop types, 
such as potatoes, soya or a number of specialty crops, namely 
grapevines. For our pilot studies, a grapevine field was selected, 
which consisted of 10 rows which were again subdivided into 
test plots of 2.5 meters in length. In total, 240 test plots were 
available. At the time of both test flight campaigns, these plots 
had been subject to a ground-based 'bonification' by specialists 
of Syngenta, which provided an excellent 'real-world' ground 
truth for the following remote sensing experiments. 
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Figure 1: Grapevine test field consisting of 240 test plots. Also 
visible are the large radiometric targets (left) and the smaller 
geometric ground control points (bottom). 
In the first project phase in 2006 the feasibility and suitability 
of mini or micro UAV based remote sensing for agronomical 
research applications were to be investigated and demonstrated. 
The key findings of the MSMS project Phase I are summarised 
below. For a detailed description of the investigations and 
results of Phase I please refer to (Brosi, 2006) and (Annen et al., 
2.1 Sensor Platform: Mini UAV 
The test flight campaign of the first project phase was carried 
out using model helicopter based mini UAV of weControl AG 
(Zurich) (see Figure 2). The UAV has a rotor diameter of 1.8m, 
is powered by a combustion engine and can carry an imaging 
payload of approx. 1 kg. The mini UAV was equipped with 
weControl's flight control system wePilotlOOO, which allowed a 
fully automatic waypoint navigation with a verified accuracy of 
approx. 3 m. The system also provides a video data link which 
allowed a rough online verification of the acquired imagery at 
the ground control station.

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