Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
other Earth orbits. Access to MEO, GTO and even GEO is 
becoming possible with new upper stages and launchers. These 
can be coupled with a range of propulsion systems for new 
mission solutions. 
2.2 Small Satellites for great science 
Small satellites offer the following advantages for science 
missions in LEO, GEO, GTO and the inner solar system: 
■ More measurements = better science 
■ Lower cost = affordable where previously assumed not 
■ Single primary instrument = optimised missions 
■ Smaller consortia = less compromise (on mission issues) 
■ Shorter build times = faster response 
■ Lower cost and faster response = more missions 
QinetiQ-Verhaert is involved in the following key areas that 
make such missions possible: 
■ Concept Development (technical and consortia) 
■ System prime 
■ Core bus with Electric propulsion options 
■ Technology insertion (into science group designed 
■ Technology adoption at bus level (for greater payload 
■ Technology delivery (key subsystems with flight heritage) 
■ Mission Management and operations 
The acquisition by QinetiQ of Verhaert Space in September 
2005 paves the way in the creation of THE small space 
missions company in Europe. The joining of skills from 
QinetiQ’s space division - with a lot of heritage in mission 
design and innovative technologies, and Verhaert Space - a 
seasoned small (smart) space systems integrator, creates an 
entity that can offer attractive small mission solutions to 
governmental and commercial customers worldwide. 
Small missions require smart and innovative solutions but at the 
same time they have to stay affordable and require realisation 
within reasonable timescales. In fact, these projects are too big 
for small companies (risk & capabilities) and too small for large 
companies (priority & cost effectiveness). 
The QinetiQ-Verhaert teaming allows such mission to be 
undertaken in an appropriate and efficient way, with the right 
priority (small mission are a key account for us). Furthermore, 
we combine the flexibility and cost efficient approach of 
smaller organisations with the quality standards, facilities and 
credibility of larger organisations. As such we provide optimum 
value-for-money while delivering flexible solution that meet the 
customer’s real needs. 
The Verhaert Space - QinetiQ team can offer a wide range of 
small satellite solutions based on the PROBA spacecraft family. 
The strong points are: 
■ Five years in orbit and still in excellent shape (original 
mission: 1 year) 
Demonstrated its potential as Earth observation platform 
■ Originally pure technology demonstration, but now part of 
earth observation user programme 
■ Used on daily basis by ~60 user groups 
Autonomous Operation 
■ Onboard Autonomy (orbit & attitude determination, FDIR) 
■ Ground Segment Automation (low operational cost) 
■ Simple commanding: 1 image = 1 command (coordinates) 
* Performant on-board computer 
Fine Pointing & Stability 
■ Agile platform (3-axis stabilized) 
■ High pointing accuracy 
■ High pointing Stability (point & stare - snapshot imaging) 
■ Complex manoeuvring (motion compensation - push 
broom imaging - multiple backward / forward scanning) 
Modularity and flexibility in design 
ESA Quality Label 
Figure 11: Formation flying Figure 12: High resolution 
Reliable/robust platform 
Figure 13: Multi spectral 
Figure 14: Near Earth Object 

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