Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
“SUSI” took place on 23.05.2007. Changing winds prohibited a 
systematic aerial survey, thus several attempts were necessary 
to cover the area appropriately. 
4.2 Photogrammetric workflow 
The workflow of the photogrammetric data processing from 
single images to an orthophoto mosaic by using the software 
Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) 9.1 is shown in 
Figure 4. 
The primary goal was a more or less automated workflow. Due 
to several problems during the aerial surveys, it turned out that 
several manual and semiautomatic steps are required in the 
processing chain of the data, 
Figure 4. For instance the autonomous navigation did not work 
properly which resulted in rather unsystematic strips. In turn 
after the flight the best image data from different strips had to 
be selected manually. Furthermore due to wind the side lap and 
the end lap did not always confirm to the standard configuration 
of a photogram-metric block. The approximate values of the 
GPS/(INS)-data were not accurate enough to start the process of 
automatic tie point generation. This is due to the fact that the 
small model planes reveal strong variations in the roll and pitch 
angle and also the time synchronisation between the GPS-data 
and the images was not always correct. This led to a first step of 
manual tie point generation. In the next step automatic tie point 
generation could be performed to stabilise the block. Beside 
precisely measured ground control points the GPS-positions of 
the images were introduced into the aerotriangulation with a 
low a priori accuracy of ± 4 m. 
Figure 4: Photogrammetric workflow of the UAV-images 
The results of the aerotriangulation of the different blocks are 
compiled in Table 2. 
M 1 
W 1 
No. of images 
Ground resolution (GSD) [m] 
No. GCPs 
No. of Tie Points 
Total RMS [Pixel] 
GCP X [m] 
GCP Y [m] 
M 1 
W 1 
GCP Z [m] 
Image coordinate X [Pixel] 
Image coordinate Y [Pixel] 
Table 2: Results of the aerotriangulation of the three blocks 
The results in Table 2 require further explanation because the 
circumstances of the three flights were different. To show the 
differences of the two imaging systems the blocks M2 and W1 
will be described in more detail. 
4.2.1 Flight 2 Merklingsen (M2) 
For the block M2 a total of 45 images were selected. Due to the 
high speed of the UAV and wind gusts an end lap of 60 % 
could not be realised. The side lap is also low or even not 
existent between some of the image strips, see Figure 5. 
Figure 5: Block Merklingsen 2 (M2) 
By using 20 precisely measured ground control points (GCP’s) 
the aerotriangulation yielded an inner accuracy of the block 
with ± 1.54 pixel (= ± 4.2 pm) in X and ±1.17 pixel (= ± 3.2 
pm) in Y, measured in image coordinates. This result is within 
the expected limits, taking the block geometry and the 
geometric quality of the camera into account. The positional 
accuracy on the ground is 0.14 m in X, 0.08 m in Y and 0.27 m 
in Z. The accuracy in Z is lower than in X and Y. This is most 
probably due to systematic errors in the focal length, a common 
problem with consumer grade digital camera with a variable 
zoom lens, Remondino and Fraser (2006). 
The radiometric quality of the images is quite different due to 
different shutter speeds and the fact that some of the images 
were true nadir images due to side winds. Even thorough 
dodging and colour balancing could not prevent radiometric 
differences in the final ortho photo mosaic, see Figure 6. 
4.2.2 Block Wahlsdorf (Wl) 
The block Wahlsdorf (Wl) consisted of two strips with a total 
of 11 images. It has a high side lap (60 %) and an end lap of 
80 %. The aerotriangulation with 11 GCPs resulted in a high 
internal block accuracy (RMS) of ± 0.36 Pixel (= ± 2 pm) in

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