Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
3.3 Geometric Correction 
The EnMAP level 2a processor produces ortho-images applying 
the technique of Direct Georeferencing. The line-of-sight model 
uses on-board measurements of the star tracker systems and 
inertial measurement units combined by Kalman filtering for 
attitude determination, GPS (Global Positioning System) 
measurements for orbit determination (position and velocity), 
and sensor look direction vectors derived from laboratory 
and/or in-flight geometric calibration. An improvement of the 
line-of-sight model can be achieved by automatic extraction of 
ground control points (GCP) using image matching techniques 
with reference images of superior geometric quality. Terrain 
displacements are taken into account by global digital elevation 
model (DEM) fused from different DEM data sets using quality 
layers. Figure 4. illustrates this part (“Processing Chain, Level 
2a” of Figure 2.) of the processing chain. 
Figure 4. Geometric Correction 
The accuracy of this rectification result is crucial for overlaying 
the data with existing data sets, maps, or in geographic 
information systems (GIS) and using them for evaluations like 
change detection, map updating, and others. Therefore, first an 
improvement of the line-of-sight vector with the help of 
automatic extraction of GCPs by image matching is foreseen. In 
order to automatically extract GCPs from the reference image a 
hierarchical intensity based matching is performed (e.g., Lehner, 
M. and Gill, R. S., 1992). The matching process uses a 
resolution pyramid to cope with large image differences 
between the reference and the coarse registered image. Based 
on the Foerstner interest operator, pattern windows are selected 
in one of the images and located with an accuracy of about one 
pixel in the other image. This is done via the maximum of the 
normalized correlation coefficients computed by sliding the 
pattern area all over the search area. The search areas in the 
matching partner image are determined by estimation of local 
affine transformations based on already available tie points in 
the neighborhood (normally from a coarser level of the image 
pyramid). The approximate tie point coordinates are then 
refined to sub-pixel accuracy by local least squares matching. 
The number of points found and their final (sub-pixel) accuracy 
achieved depend mainly on image similarity and decrease with 
time gaps between imaging. Only points with high correlation 
and quality figure are selected as tie points, including cross 
checking by backward matching of all found points. Within the 
next processing step the GCP information is used to estimate 
improved parameters for the line-of-sight model by least 
squares adjustment, including iterative blunder detection, which 
eliminates step by step GCPs with a residual greater than a 
threshold starting with the bottom quality GCP. This part of the 
processor can only be used, if an appropriate reference image is 
The basis for all direct georeferencing formulas is the co 
linearity concept, where the coordinates of an object point 
r ™. t expressed in any Earth bound mapping coordinate frame 
are related to image coordinates r sensor derived from the 
measured pixel position in the sensor’s coordinate frame. The 
rigorous relationship between 2D image coordinates and 3D 
object coordinates is given by 
r m =r m -t-V-R m .13 6oi ^ -sensor /|\ 
1 object 1 sensor ' “ body sensor 1 object ’ ' ' 
where li hody denotes the rotation from the sensor to the body 
coordinate frame, which has to be calibrated, and R m denotes 
the rotation from the body to a mapping coordinate frame, 
which is derived from the angular measurements. If GCPs from 
image matching are available, an additional boresight rotation 
matrix can be estimated for refinement. The interior orientation 
is described by mapping column values i to the sensor 
coordinate frame with the focal length c by 
N - 1R3: i r ™ = (x* ensor ,y™,-c) T . (2) 
The scale factor s is determined by the intersection of the sensor 
pointing direction with a given DEM using an iterative process, 
which finally results in a 3D point in object space for each 
image pixel. After object point reconstruction within the 
mapping frame the coordinates are transformed to any desired 
map projection, where the resampling (applying nearest 
neighbor, bi-linear, or bi-cubic resampling) of the ortho-image 
proceeds (e.g. Muller, R. et al., 2005; Muller, R. et al., 2007). 
3.4 Atmospheric Correction 
The EnMAP level 2b processor performs atmospheric 
correction of the images employing separate algorithms for land 
and water applications. Figure 5. illustrates this part 
(“Processing Chain, Level 2b” of Figure 2.) of the processing 
Processing Chain 
I Processing Chain 
Level 2b 
Level 2b 
(Atmospheric Correction) 
(Atmospheric Correction) 
Ovar Land 
Over Water 
Figure 5. Atmospheric Correction 
The choice of the land and/or water mode is defined by the 
customer. However, scenes may also be processed in both 
modes, e.g. for coastal areas or inland lakes that may contain a 
large percentage of land and water pixels. 
Land Applications 
Relevant criteria for the selection of a radiative transfer code 
with respect to the EnMAP mission are: 
• spectral coverage of the radiative transfer calculations 
• spectral resolution 
• aerosol models 
• treatment of gas absorption and multiple scattering 
The MODTRAN4 (moderate resolution atmospheric 
transmission) code covers the solar reflective spectrum (from 
400 nm to 2500 nm) and even the thermal region. It supports a 
sufficiently high spectral resolution for the absorbing gases 
(water vapor, ozone, oxygen, carbon dioxide etc.). It also 
includes a rigorous treatment of the coupled scattering and 
absorption processes. Moreover, it offers a set of representative 
aerosol models (rural or continental, urban, maritime, desert). 
Therefore, MODTRAN4 will be selected to compile a database 
of atmospheric correction look-up tables with a high spectral 

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