Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
alignment (instrument boresight) and pixel boresight (look 
angles/line-of-sight vectors of individual pixels), where both 
types of measurement are given for a range of temperatures to 
be expected under on-orbit conditions. In-flight geometric 
validation will periodically assess the possible change of these 
geometric parameters during satellite life time. This will be 
done via automatic image matching using orthoimages of 
superior quality of certain test sites. Test sites should be 
selected according to the stability of land-use patterns (arid 
regions with sufficient texture preferred). If the resulting shift 
vectors are larger than a given threshold or if they show a 
systematic behavior, it can be concluded that an update of the 
values for the geometric calibration parameters is necessary. 
Band-to-band registration of the VNIR and SWIR detectors can 
be checked via the channels of the radiometric overlap region of 
the two detectors. Image matching will be used to derive the 
shift vector pattern and corresponding statistics. The update of 
geometric instrument model parameters can be done via bundle 
adjustment using ground control points, which will be extracted 
via automatic image matching as mentioned before (see section 
3.3). A generalized sensor model comprising e.g. focal length, 
principal point coordinates, sensor rotation, and sensor 
curvature of a geometric sensor array will be used. The initial 
parameters of this sensor model are derived from laboratory 
calibration (respectively, from corresponding valid geometric 
calibration values). Additionally, instrument/attitude boresight 
matrices will be estimated. 
The efficient processing as well as the calibration and 
validation strategies are presented, which will be implemented 
for the future spacebome hyperspectral imager EnMAP 
(Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program). Namely, it is 
pointed out 
• how the high-level EnMAP products (including geometric 
and/or atmospheric correction) will be derived by the fully 
automated processing chain, 
• how the high accuracy for these EnMAP products will be 
achieved over the whole mission’s lifetime by the 
calibration and validation activities, and 
• how all these components interact. 
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