1. Beijing 2008
A. Barducci, F. Castagnoli, G. Castellini, D. Guzzi, P. Marcoionni, *1. Pippi
Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, ITALY
Tel.: +39 0555226301, Fax: +39 0555226348, *e-mail: I.Pippi@ifac.cnr.it
Commission I, WG-I/6
KEY WORDS: Fourier transform imaging spectrometers, Sagnac interferometer, Optical calibration procedure, Remote sensing,
Small-micro satellite.
ALISEO (Aerospace Leap-frog Imaging Stationary Interferometer for Earth Observation) belongs to the stationary interferometers
representing a promising architecture for future Earth Observation (EO) sensors due to their simple optical layout. ALISEO has been
selected by the Italian Space Agency as the principal payload for a new optical mission based on a micro-satellite (MIOsat).
Payloads planned for MIOsat are an extensible telescope, a high-resolution panchromatic camera, a Mach-Zehnder MEMS
interferometer, and ALISEO. MIOsat platform is expected to provide the payloads with sight steering capability, in order to mitigate
the sensor’s data-rate and improve the integration time. ALISEO operates in the common-path Sagnac configuration, and it does not
employ any moving part to generate phase delay between the two rays. The sensor acquires the target images modulated by a pattern
of autocorrelation functions: a fringe pattern that is fixed with respect to the instrument’s field of view. The complete interferogram
of each target location is retrieved introducing relative source-observer motion, which allows any image pixels to be observed under
different phase delays after moving thorought the sensor’s field of view. In this paper we discuss some experimental and theoretical
investigations concerning ALISEO’s architecture and performance. We describe recent advances in the optical layout selected for
the sensor, as well as the outcome of simulations of its main chasracteristics. In order to refine the calibration of the optical path
difference (OPD) of raw interferograms a new data-processing procedure has been developed, based on a set of measurements have
been carried out using a double planar diffuser system and several coloured He-Ne lasers. Standard reflectance tiles have been used
for validating the wavelength calibration of the instrument, hence proving the reliability of the reflectance retrieving procedure.
Our Institute was appointed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI)
to carry out a feasibility study to determine the optimal
characteristics of a space qualified version of an imaging
interferometer to be placed on board of a micro-satellite in a
low.cost mission.
A valuable advantage of imaging interferometers is their ability
to change the sampled spectral range and their resolving power
by simply adjusting the sensor sampling step and the instrument
Field-Of-View (FOV) (Hamisch, 2002; Jacquinot, 1954;
Griffiths, 1977). An additional advantage is connected with the
possible exclusion of the input slit, which strongly reduces the
radaint power admitted in dispersive spectrometers. Critical
points are associated with the heavy data pre-processing
necessary for compensating the instrument response and
possible acquisition artefacts (Persky, 1995). Moreover, due to
the nature of the acquired interferogram it is crucial adopting
detectors with high accuracy of digitalisation (Sellar, 2003).
Our study leaded to the development of ALISEO (Aerospace
Leap-frog Imaging Stationary interferometer for Eath
Observation) and ASI selected it as the main payload for the
first optical small mission based on a new micro-satellite
(MIOsat). Other payloads are a panchromatic camera and a
MEMS interferometer for atmospheric sounding. All the
activities related to this space mission have been started on
May 2007..
The mission and payload requirements are listed in the tables 1
and 2.
MIOsat operational characteristics
polar, sun-synchronous
Descending node
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. local time
500 Km
Expected life-time
2-3 years
lm x lm x lm
Less than 130 Kg
Less than 150 W
Table 1. MIOsat mission characteristics
The paper describes the main characteristics of the prototype
imaging interferometer developed at our Institute, moreover
some theoretical issues concerning sampling theory in
“common path” imaging interferometry are investigated. The
procedures for extracting pixel interferograms from a complete
set of images and the methods for calibrating the instrument
response are presented in section dedicated to Experimental
Activity together with some experimental results. Finally the
outcomes from our investigation are summarized together with
open problems and future work.