Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
5.2. Modified collinearity equations for along track 
The well-known collinearity equations need modification 
before they are applied to pushbroom images. They are 
modified based on the above Kepler equations (1) in a way 
where the ground coordinates and the rotations of the 
perspective center are modelled as a function of time. 
'x-x c (t) 
= AM(t) 
Y~Y c (t) 
_Z-Z e (i)_ 
c is the principal distance 
X, Y, Z are the ground coordinates of a point 
Xc(t), Yc(t), Zc(t) are the ground coordinates of the framelet 
perspective center as a function of time, as described in 
equations (1) 
A, is a scale factor which varies from point to point 
M(t) is a 3x3 rotation matrix which brings the ground 
coordinate system parallel to the framelet coordinate system 
as a function of time, where the rotation angles are simulated 
with first order polynomials 
y is the y-ffamelet coordinates of the corresponding point 
yo is a small offset from the perspective center origin. 
5.3. Modified coplanarity equation for along track 
5.3.1 Introduction. In general, coplanarity for the 
perspective geometry is the condition that the two exposure 
stations of a stereopair, any object point, and its 
corresponding image points on the two photos all lie in the a 
common plane (Wolf et all, 2000), as illustrated in figure 2. 
In the figure the points Lj, L 2 , a h a 2 and A all lie in the same 
plane. The coplanarity condition is 
0 — B x ’{D i ‘F 2 D 2 -F x ) + B y -{E 2 -F x E X -F 2X ) ^ 
+ B z • (E x • D 2 -E 2 D x ) 
B x =x Li -x Li 
B y = Y TT\ 
B 2 =z L -z^ 
D = m X2 ■ x + m 22 • y - m 32 ■ c 
E = m xx -x + m 2X ■ y-m 3X -c 
F = m x3 ■ x + m 23 • y - m 33 • c 
In equation (2) subscripts 1 and 2 affixed to terms D, E and F 
indicate that the terms apply to either photo 1 or photo 2. The 
m’s are function of the three rotations angles omega, phi, 
kappa as represented in matrix M(t). One coplanarity 
equation may be written for each object point which appears 
in the stereo photos. The coplanarity equation does not 
contain object space coordinates as unknowns. It contains 
only the elements of the exterior orientation parameters of the 
two photos of the stereo pair. 
Figure 2. The coplanarity condition (Wolf et al., 2000) 
5.3.2. Modification of coplanarity equation for pushbroom 
images. The development of the coplanarity equation for a 
pushbroom sensor could be based on the perspective images 
equation (2) where the fundamental characteristic that the 
pushbroom image consist of one-dimensional images, should 
be taken into consideration. In first instance the D, E and F in 
equation (2) should be modified in case of pushbroom images 
as follows, because of the one dimensional framelets: 
D = m 22 • y ~m 32 c 
E = m 2X ■y-m 3X c 
F = m 23 -y-m 32 -c 
In general the epipolar curves for linear pushbroom images are 
not very easy to derive (Kim, 2000). The reasons are mainly 
the pushbroom geometry itself, along with the selected sensor 
model. Kim concludes that the problem is that the best sensor 
model has not been developed yet. 
In this paper, a slight different approach is followed. We do try 
to use the model which is capable to describe the base vector 
change as the scanner moves along its trajectory. This model 
can be the UCL sensor model which simulates this as functions 
of the exterior orientation parameters of the center point of the 
center framelet of the first along track image. 
The development of the coplanarity equation is based on the 
equation of the Kepler model (1). Thus, the velocity of the 
satellite during the acquisition time of the images is not 
constant. Moreover at present, the rotation angles are not 
constant and simulated with first order polynomials. 
Based on equations (1) the X object space coordinates of the 
points Li,L 2 a.re: 
X Li =X 0+ u x -t x -A -X 0 -tf 
X Ll = X 0 +u x ’(t 2 + dt)- A • X 0 • (t 2 + dt) 2 

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