Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

Liping Zhao a ’ *, Fengde Liu a , Wei Wang b , Jian Li a 
Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing, 100039 zhaolpwww@sina.com liufd6879@yahoo.com.cn 
lij ianbj @sina. com 
b National Disaster Reduction Center of China, Beijing, 100053 wangwei@ndrcc.gov.cn 
Commission I, SS-11 
KEY WORDS: Mapping Satellite; CARTOSAT-1; Rational Function Model; Position Accuracy 
In this paper, the development of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite Serials is reviewed, the specifications of CARTOSAT-1 satellite 
platform and Sensor is introduced and compared with IKONOS^ SPOT5 HRS. The positioning algorithm using Rational Function 
Model (RFM Model) of CARTOSAT-1 is described in detail. Experimentation is carried out using stereo pair of Beijing hilly area. 
The results show that with high accurate and well-distributed Ground Control Points (GCPs) the plane and elevation accuracy of 
CARTOSAT-1 imagery could reach 5-meter and meet the mapping requirements of 1:50,000 national topographic map. 
From the first satellite launched in 1975, India has formed a 
relatively integrated space technology development and 
application system, which includes earth observation, 
astronomy, communication, broadcasting, remote sensing, and 
reconnaissance satellite series. 
Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth 
Observation satellites, mostly built, launched and maintained by 
Indian Space Research Organisation of India as part of the 
Indian space program. IRS series include OceanSat, CartoSat, 
ResourceSat. Some of the satellites have alternate designations 
based on the launch number and vehicle (P series for PSLV). 
The first generation satellite IRS-1A and IB were designed, 
developed and launched successfully during 1988 and 1991 
with multi-spectral cameras with spatial resolution of 72.5 m 
and 36 m. respectively. Subsequently, the second generation 
remote sensing satellites IRS-1C and ID with improved spatial 
resolutions of 70 m in multi-spectral and 5.8 m. in 
Panchromatic bands and a wide field sensor with 188m 
resolution and 800 Km. swath, have been developed and 
successfully launched in 1995 and 1997 respectively. These 
satellites have become the principal components in the National 
Natural Resource Management System and the data was used in 
various applications, viz., agriculture and soil, land form and 
land use studies, water resource, forestry, drought and flood 
monitoring, cartography, town planning and coastal zone 
monitoring. Especially IRS-1 C/D data has been used for 
cartographic and town planning application up to 1:10,000 scale. 
These satellites also provide stereo pairs of imageries to get 
height information to an accuracy of approximately 10 
meters(Smith, 1987b; Moons, 1997). 
CARTOSAT-1 was launched successfully on 5 May 2005, 
which reached international excellence and indicated new stage 
of India remote sensing technology. The satellite and camera 
specification is listed below. 
Satellite Features of CARTOSAT-1: 
• Orbit: Circular Polar Sun Synchronous 
• Orbit height: 618 km 
• Orbit inclination : 98.87 deg 
• Orbit period : 97 min 
• Number of Orbits per day : 14 
• Local Time of Equator Crossing: 10.30 AM 
• Repetivity : 126 days 
• Revisit: 5 days 
• Lift-off Mass : 1560 kg 
• Attitude and Orbit Control : 3-axis stabilised 
using Reaction Wheels, Magnetic Torquers and 
Hydrazine Thrusters 
• Electrical Power : 1100 W using 5 sq m Solar 
Array Two 24 Ah Ni-Cd batteries 
• Mission Life ; 5 years 
• Payloads : Two PAN Cameras one fore- 
mounted with a tilt of +26 deg and the other 
Aft-mounted with a tilt of -5 deg from the yaw 
axis Camera Specifications of CARTOSAT-1: 
• Instantaneous Geometric ; < 2.5 m Field of 
View (IGFOV) 
• Swath : 30 km 
• Spectral Band : 0.50-0.85 micron 
• Data rate : 105 Mbps for each camera 
• Solid State Recorder: 120 GB capacity for 
image data storage 
Once commissioned, CARTOSAT-1 will give further fillip to 
remote sensing services by providing imagery with 
improved spatial resolution. Two cameras working at 26

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