Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part BI. Beijing 2008 
The author would like to thank Dr. Nandakumar (ISRO and 
Secretary of ISPRS WG IV/9) for the establishment and 
coordination of the ISPRS-ISRO Cartosat-1 Scientific 
Assessment Programme (C-SAP) and the ISRO-ISPRS C-SAP 
Evaluation Team for selecting our Institute as Investigator. 
Many thanks are also addressed to Dr. Roland Gachet (IGN), 
Principal-Investigator of the Salon de Provence test site, for 
providing GCPs and reference MNT DBTOPO® DTM. 
Finally, the author whish to thank NASA for providing the 
SRTM DTM through their website. 
Bouillon, A., Bernard, M., Gigord, P., Orsoni, A., Rudowski, V., 
and Baudoin, A., 2006. SPOT 5 HRS geometric performances: 
Using block adjustment as a key issue to improve quality of 
DEM generation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, 60(3), pp. 134-146. 
Gachet, R., and Favé, P., 2006. Cartosat-1 DEM extraction 
capability study over Salon Area. In: The International Archive 
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial 
Information Sciences, Goa, India, Voi. XXXVI, Part 4, 
unpaginated CD-ROM. 
Gianinetto M., 2008. Multi-scale Digital Terrain Model 
generation using Cartosat-1 stereo images for the Mausanne les 
Alpilles test site. In: The International Archives of the 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
Sciences, Beijing, China, Voi. XXXVII, unpaginated CD-ROM. 
Indian Space Research Organisation - Signal and Image 
Processing Group, 2005. Cartosat-1 (IRS - P5) Data Products 
System, GeoTIFF Format for IRS Digital Data Products 
Indian Space Research Organisation, 2008, Cartosat-1. 
http://www.isro.org/Cartosat/Page3 (accessed 25 Feb. 2008). 
Krishnaswamy, M., and Kalyanaraman, S., 2002. Indian 
Remote Sensing Satellite Cartosat-1: Technical features and 
data products. GIS Development. 
http.V/www.gisdevelopment. net/technology/rs/techrs023. htm 
(accessed 25 Feb. 2008). 
Lang, H.R., 1999. ATBD-AST-08 Algorithm theoretical basis 
document for ASTER digital elevation models, version 3.0, JPL, 
National Remote Sensing Agency, 2007. Cartosat -1 Products. 
http://www. nrsa.gov. in/cartosat- 1/html/products. html (accessed 
25 Feb. 2008). 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, 2008. Shuttle Radar Topography 
Mission, http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/ (accessed 25. Feb. 
Rodriguez, E., Morris, C.S., and Belz, J.E., 2006. A Global 
Assessment of the SRTM Performance, Photogrammetric 
Engineering & Remote Sensing, 72(3), pp.249-260.

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