Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bia. Beijing 2008 
points. Since the domes network has a 
raster format, we should convert this raster 
layer to vector layer and then the centers of 
each polygon would be extracted as well as 
peak points. This conception is shown in 
figure 5. 
» *•<**») Vammi 
Figure 5. Center of dome is same as a peak point 
The result is shown in figure 6 which three 
dimensional view of domes network is 
presented and two dimensional view of 
domes network is shown in figures 7. 
Also we can calculate height of these points 
according to NDSM.for convert raster to 
vector model and extraction polygons and 
its centers; we use functions and present 
tools in Arcview software. The result of 
extraction peak points in NDSM is shown in 
figure 8. 
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Figure 6. three dimensional view of domes network 
Figure 7. two dimensional view of domes network 
Figure 8. extracted peak points of NDSM 
5. Conclusions 
In generation of marker layer, we assume the 
amounts of “a constant value = h” in parallel 
reconstruction algorithm is 0.5m.Selection of

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