Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3a. Beijing 2008 
0.5m is according to the variation of elevation 
(from zero to 15m) in NDSM. With performing 
this program for various amounts of h we will 
have small changes in finally result. Infact, if 
we select large amounts of h, we will lose some 
peaks of NDSM and if we select small amounts 
of h we will have answers with high noise 
(unnecessary peaks). With the extraction of 
peak points we can use of them in many 
applications in order to obtain different goals 
such as providing 3D city models, tele 
communication industry, control analysis, 
navigation and landscape planning. 
For example after extracting of peak points, we 
can create a 3D city model in urban regions. For 
this purpose, the peaks can transformed on 
satellite imagery such as IKONOS, 
QUICKBIRD, CARTOSAT, est. and the 
elevation regions are obtain on satellite images, 
also the height of these regions is extracted 
from NDSM and so the 3D city model will be 
provided. The result in implementation of the 
proposed method has shown its capability in 
solving the problem of artificial elevation 
features extraction. 
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