The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bib. Beijing 2008
direction parameters. The aspects of accuracy and efficiency
have been improved greatly. Operating steps can see the
following chart:
Figure 3 Flowchart for Road Extraction
3.1 Edge Detection(Rafael C., 2004)
In order to apply the method of phase classification effectively,
the step of edge detection is very important. Enough edge
information can be useful to the work of road information
Till now, there have been many operators(Chen Y. 2003) for
edge detection, such as Robert, Log, Sobel, Canny and so on.
Analyzing these existed methods, we decide to use Canny to go
on with the work of edge detection as well as the method of
grey morphology.
3.3 Determination of Initial Point on Road
According to the method described in chapter 2, calculate the
phase information of the edge image, then combine this
information with the gradient scope, group the edge points,
finally fit the edge line using the method least square, which
can we get the straight lines and the curve lines, those are all
road edge lines. Taking into account the shadow shielding near
the road, we can judged the initial point of the road by the
following criteria,.
1) The width of the road at this point should be consistent with
the given width of the road.
2) The grey value at this point should be consistent with the
given value more or less.
3) Search for eight neighbourhoods of this point. Except for this
point, if pixels in its eight neighbourhoods contain one edge
point, this point can be seen the starting point of the road. It can
be interpreted by the following chart:
Figure 4 Search the Eight Neighbourhood of the Starting Point
3.4 Track binary image to acquire supported region for
road edge
From the lower left of the image, search binary edge image line
by line. From the starting point, calculate its gradient direction,
mark the gradient direction of this pixel values
as *(* = 0,1,2,— ,7) ^ and t hen search its eight
neighbourhoods. If there exit pixels that belong to the same area
named ^ , put this neighbour point into the same road line with
current pixel. In the computer, we can note it into an array to
store safely. Arrange the new point as the current one, do the
same search work in the way described above until all the
pixels in the marked area have been detected. All the points
searched belong to one array. Similarly, search the total edge
image to account points of the same type in each area of road
into a linked list in computer.
Firstly, with the knowledge of grey morphology (Zhu et al.
2004), the image will be corroded and inflated once. In this way
the roads that are fuzzy can be improved. Meanwhile the
information of the road’s edge can be strengthened. Secondly,
improve the Canny operator, take advantage of the double
thresholds to detect the light edge parts and the dark parts.
Based on the principle of non- local maximum suppression, we
can get the edge information in detail. Finally, thin the edge line
with the method of skeleton extraction in the area of
morphology, which can we get the road edge line of single pixel.
By this step of edge detection, the edge information could be
preserved most which is useful to do the following work.
3.2 Grouping Road Edge and Re-fitting Line in Image
According to the phase and amplitude information accounted,
group the edge of the road edge lines, and then fit them into
straight lines and curves.
3.5 Improve the method of phase classification to fit the
road line
In the 3.2.2, we described the traditional method of phase
classification to get the edge line of the road. Now some points
of the method have been improved in order to get various kinds
of road line in image. That is, fit the three adjacent points into a
line by least squares method respectively. Calculate each value
of slop from every three adjacent points, namely a ' > a 2 > a 3 .
Set a threshold, namely: Tl. From many examinations, here we
can define Tl to be 2 .if the calculated slopes meet the
0 < a ,
2 at the same time, and we define
them as the same road points.
In the corresponding position in original image, draw the red
line to connect detected three points. If the point does not
conform to the rule, remove it. Take the same steps to the
following groups until it reaches the end.