Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

WANG Cheng 3 , T. Hassan b , N. El-Sheimy b , M. Lavigne b 
‘'School of Electronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defence Technology, China - chwang_nudt@263.net 
b Dept of Geomatics Eng., 2500 University Drive, N.W, The tfabbas@ucalgary.caof Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2N 1N4 - 
tfabbas@ucalgary.ca, naser@geomatics.ucalgary.ca, mlavigne@amsvisat.com 
Commission III: WG III/5 
KEY WORDS: Mobile Mapping, Computer Vision, Road Geometry, Lane Line, Automatic Extraction, VISAT™ 
ABSTRACT: Land-based mobile mapping systems have yielded an enormous time saving in capturing road networks and their 
surrounding. However, the manual extraction of the road information from the mobile mapping data is still a time-consuming task. 
This paper presents ARVEE (Automated Road Geometry Vectors Extraction Engine), a robust automatic road geometry extraction 
system developed by Absolute Mapping Solution Inc. (AMS). The extracted road information includes 3D continuous lane lines, road 
edges as well as lane lines attributes. There are three innovations in this work. First, all the visible lane lines in the georeferenced 
image sequences are extracted, instead of only extracting the central lane line or the nearby lane line pair. Second, lane line attributes 
are recognized, so the output is a functional description of the road geometry. Third, the output is an absolute-georeferenced model of 
lane lines in mapping coordinates, and is directly compatible to GIS databases. ARVEE includes four steps: First, extracting linear 
features in each image. Second, extracting, filtering and grouping linear features into lane line segments (LLS) based on their 
geometric and radiometric characteristics. Third, linking the LLSs into long lane lines 3D model using Multiple-Hypothesis Analysis 
(MHA). Finally, classifying each lane line into a lane line type based on the synthetic analysis of the included LLSs’ features. The 
system has been tested on large number of VISAT™ mobile mapping data. The experiments on massive real MMS data sets 
demonstrate that ARVEE can deliver accurate and robust 3D continuous functional road geometry model. Full automatic processing 
result from ARVEE can replace most of the human efforts in road geometry modelling 
Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS), provide an effective way to 
collect georeferenced image sequences of the roads and their 
surroundings. For instance, the VISAT™ 
(Video-Inertial-Satellite) (El-Sheimy, 1999) developed by 
Absolute Mapping Solution Inc. (AMS).can be operated at road 
speed of up to 100 km/hr and achieve abolute positioning 
accuracy better than 0.3 m (RMS) for points within the field of 
view of the images captured by the van. Mobile mapping has 
yielded an enormous time saving in road network survey. 
However, the manual extraction of the road information from 
the mobile mapping data is still a time-consuming task. 
Previous researches on lane line extraction mainly focus on the 
traffic applications, such as traffic monitoring or autonomous 
vehicle guidance (Ishikawa, 1988; Kenue, 1991; Jochem, 1993; 
Chen, 1997; Beauvais, 2000; Paetzold, 2000; Yim, 2003; Li, 
2004; McCall, 2004; Tai, 2004; Yue Wang, 2004; Hassouna, 
2005; Jung, 2005; Lee, 2005; Choi, 2006), more details can be 
found in (Kastrinaki, 2003). In summary, the constrains used in 
lane line detection include: (a) the shape, the lane lines is 
supposed to be a solid or dashed line with a certain width; (b) 
the colour, the lane lines are usually white or yellow; and (c) the 
geometry constrain, the road is flat and the lane lines are with 
almost no horizontal curvature. Led by the application purpose, 
and limited by the demand of real-time processing, these works 
only concerned about lane lines that are close to the vehicle, and 
all the results are described within local body frame coordinate, 
or even simply within the image coordinate frame. In addition, 
only vision sensors were exploited, and therefore, performances 
are generally not satisfying at the situation of obscuration, 
shadow or worn out painting. Few research works have focused 
on lane line extraction in image sequences using, 
georeferencing information from other sensing devices. For 
autonomous vehicle guidance, Radar and camera fusion were 
used to locate obstacle and lane line (Beauvais, 2000); location 
sensing devices, such as GPS, were fused with vision in lane 
lines following (Goldbeck, 2000; Jin Wang, 2005). In mobile 
mapping, Tao (Tao, 2001) used georeferenced images form 
mobile mapping image sequences to extract the 3D model of 
central lane line. Roncella (Roncella, 2006) developed a 
semi-automatic lane line extraction system and tested on 
synthetic mobile mapping data. 
Recently, we developed ARVEE (Automated Road Geometry 
Vectors Extraction Engine) - a robust automatic road geometry 
extraction system for the post processing of georeferenced 
images captured by a land-based mobile mapping system. The 
input of the system is the mobile mapping data, which includes: 
georeferencing information, multi-camera panoramic images 
sequence and sensor/system calibration parameters. The output 
is the GIS-database-compatible road geometry information, 
which contains 3D lane line model of all the lane lines visible 
within cameras field of view together with line type/colour 
attributes. The system works in a fully automatic mode, with no 
operator supervision. The aim of the design is to introduce 
computer vision techniques to do most of the road geometry 
information extraction works in mobile mapping post 
processing, and leave as less as possible work for manual 
There are three innovations presented in this work; first, all 
the visible lane lines in the georeferenced image sequences are 
extracted, instead of only extracting the central lane line or the 
nearby lane line pair. The wider cover of each MMS survey 
pass means less passes of the van to complete the whole survey. 
This makes the MMS road survey more efficient. Second, the

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