The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3h. Beijing 2008
With the increase of the survey image sets, the size of the
hypothesis set might quickly explodes. Hypothesis management
step is designed to keep a practical-sized hypothesis set and
keep the diversity of that hypothesis set as much as possible.
Several rules are introduced: first, only limited amount of
hypothesises are maintained; second, the hypothesises that are
not changed for several image sets will be combined into other
hypothesises, or deleted; third, only limited hypothesises are
allowed to be added at each image set.
The MHA processing goes through all the image sets. At the
end, H* —the hypothesis with highest likelihood— will be
viewed as the best connection configuration of all the LLS
notes. Each links in H* is a lane line.
The classification of LLS attributes is affected by many facts:
occlusion; worn-out painting of lane lines; variation of the side
pavements or grass; variance of road surface materials; and the
unreliability of the feature extraction algorithms. So, instead of
classify the LLS, we calculate the feature of a lane line base on
all the LLSs included in that lane line; and classify the type of
the lane line as a whole.
Lane line usually extends for hundreds of meters or even
kilometers. According to the traffic design, the type of lane line
may change during the extension. For example, a dashed white
lane line may change into a solid near road crossings, to keep
the vehicles from lane change. However, the above mentioned
lane line detection and linking procedures are not able to
separate the lane line type changes. In order to solve this
problem, type-changed point detection is introduced in our
Denote a lane line as LA, LA includes a set of LLS, LA = { /,• |
i=0,n}. Denote judge function Ej as :
E = j° ™ hen F(l i _ d ,...,l i ) = F(! i _ d ,...,l i ) (5)
' jl when
where d is the buffer size. p(J k ) is the classification
function that decide the lane line type based on the
characteristics of LLSs {/^ / j. In practice, we use a KNN
classifier as f(). If the preceding lane line segments
l t _ d and the successive lane line segments / ; -
are not with the same type, then E j is 1, and LLS / is viewed
as a point where the lane line type changed. Figure 9 illustrate
the finding of type-changed point.
h-df“'h //>••• h+d
Figure 9: detection of type-changed point
Once a type changed point is detected, the lane line will be
broken at that point. The separated two parts of the lane line are
to be classified independently.
areas. Test results show that ARVEE is robust and ready to
serve the real world applications. Video of the results can be
found at
Collaborators/cheng/AVREE demo/ARVEE demo.htm
Figure 10 shows a road geometry extraction result of ARVEE.
The extracted lane lines are superimposed on the original
images (only two of the four cameras are shown in the figure).
There are four lane lines within this site, all correctly extracted
and classified. The two lines in the middle of the road are
dashed white lane line (marked as dashed white line), the one
in the left is a yellow solid lane line (marked as solid yellow
line), and the one on the right side is a solid white line (marked
as solid white line). Figure 11 is the bird eye view of the
extracted road geometry. At this point, it should be stressed that,
although there are other vehicles occlude the sight view to the
right side lane line, it is still successfully extracted. This shows
the robustness of the ARVEE against partly occlusion.
a b
Figure 10: ARVEE result in partly occlusion
Figure 11: Bird eye view of result in Figure 10
Figure 12 shows ARVEE result at a shadowed road. Despite of
the tree shadows, all visible lane lines are correctly detected,
linked and classified. This shows the robustness of the ARVEE
against shadows.
Figure 12: Road geometry result in shadows
Figure 13 shows the detected road geometry overlapped on the
digital map. The extracted road geometry fits the map perfectly,
but with much more details and much higher accuracy. The
result can greatly improve the current GIS database.
ARVEE has been tested over massive real mobile mapping
survey data from VISAT™, including data from urban and rural